- sanity - 正気
- Don’t tell anyone. 誰にも言わないでね。
- I don’t care. かまわないよ。
- I envy you. うらやましい。
- Don't forget the animals that you made. 君が作った動物を持って帰るのを忘れないでね。
- ぼけっと gazing into the distance, doing nothing
- 恋の予感 (こいのよかん)the sense upon meeting someone that the two of you will fall in love
- バックシャン seeing a woman who is pretty from behind, but not from the front
- ありがた迷惑 (めいわく) unwelcome favor, mixed blessing, white elephant
- あげおとり to look worse after a haircut
- よこめし lit. “meal eaten sideways,” refers to peculiar stress induced by speaking a foreign language
- 建前 (たてまえ) 本音 (ほんね)what you pretend to believe and what you actually believe
- もういいかげんにしてほしいね。(I can't stand it anymore)
- 知るもんか? (Who cares?)
- はさみ見なかった? (Have you seen the scissors? )
- どうでもいい! (akin to "It's trivial" or "whatever")
- 勝手にしろ!("Have it your way" or "whatever")
- ほっといて! (Back off, leave me alone)
- 積ん読 (つんどく) - the act of buying books and not reading them
- しっかりしなさい - roughly "get it together"
- 木漏れ日 (こもれび)- sunlight filtering through trees
- 恋の予感 (こいのよかん)- The sense one can have upon first meeting a person that the two of you are going to fall in love. Differs from “love at first sight” as it does not imply that the feeling of love exists, only the knowledge that a future love is inevitable.
jul 5 2013 ∞
dec 19 2013 +