• That people would have little thought bubbles floating above their heads so you could see what they were really thinking.
  • People could fly, so we would not have to pay $3.50 for a gallon of gas
  • That I could time travel, maybe something out of Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, but perhaps a little comfier than a telephone booth
  • That I could live in a romantic commedy--I mean it's perfect, the main characters always live in an awesome city, they have cool jobs that really require no work no matter how demanding they are in the real world, and they get the guy/girl in the end, while entertaining millions with slap-stick and missed signals. Granted the dialogoe could often use some work, but I'm willing to sacrafice.
  • That people weren't so passive aggressive. No one is a mind reader, just say what you think in a reasonable fashion.
  • That I would always wake up 30 seconds before my alarm goes off.
  • That I could sit on a cloud.
  • The enevitable world peace, end of world hunger, can't we all just get along...
may 21 2006 ∞
aug 12 2007 +