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if you assume that there is no hope, you guarantee that there will be no hope. if you assume that there is an instinct for freedom, that there are opportunities to change things, then there is a possibility that you can contribute to making a better world.

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— a list of documentaries i found on twitter and would like to watch someday.

  • a virus called fear.
    • the power of fear and what irrational fear can lead to.
  • secret of the wild child.
    • a documentary on genie, a girl who spent the first thirteen years of her life locked in a room.
  • child of rage.
    • minister and his wife adopt a little girl and her brother without knowing of the abuse in their past.
  • the imposter
    • the tale of a con artist who seemingly tricked a texas family into believing he was a relative who disappeared years earlier.
  • cropsey.
    • two filmmakers investigate the disappearance of five children and the real boogeyman linked to them.
  • suicide forest in japan.
    • the aokigahara forest is know for being the most popular site for suicides in japan.
  • earthlings.
    • filmmaker shaun monson exposes the suffering endured by animals at factory farms, research labs, puppy mills and more.
  • national geographic moment of death.
    • looks at the physical and psychological changes experienced by the human when they die.
  • beware the slenderman.
    • two 12 year old girls lure their friend in the woods and stab her 19x almost to death because slenderman told them to.
  • the fear of 13.
    • a man on death row for more than 20 years tells his story and it's not all how t seems.
  • mommy dead & dearest
    • in this documentary, the murder of deedee blanchard by her daughter gypsey rose is explored, as well as the circumstances leading up to the event.
  • casting jonbenet
    • the unsolved death of six-year-old american beauty queen jonbenet ramsey remains the world's most sensational child murder case. over 15 months, responses, reflections and performances were elicited from the ramsey's colorado hometown community, creating a bold work of art from the collective memories and mythologies the crime inspired.
  • the nightmare.
    • it's about sleep paralysis and why it happens.
oct 2 2017 ∞
nov 5 2017 +