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if you assume that there is no hope, you guarantee that there will be no hope. if you assume that there is an instinct for freedom, that there are opportunities to change things, then there is a possibility that you can contribute to making a better world.

listography NEW NEWS
lari (metas para 2025)
(cursos feitos)
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  • a month, i would be march.
  • a day of the week, i would be wednesday.
  • a planet, i would be sapturn.
  • a god or goddess, i would be hekate.
  • a sea animal, i would be a salmon.
  • a piece of furniture, i would be a bed.
  • a gemstone, i would be an amethyst.
  • a flower, i would be a rose.
  • a kind of weather, i would be a rainy day.
  • a colour, i would be yellow.
  • an emotion, i would be serendipity.
  • a fruit, i would be an apple.
  • a sound, i would be the sound of jung hoseok's laughter.
  • an element, i would be water.
  • a place, i would be my bedroom.
  • a taste, i would be the taste of something i really wanna eat.
  • a scent, i would be the scent of chocolate cake.
  • an object, i would be a gun.
  • a body part, i would be a finger.
  • a song, i would be "morning glory" by hyuna.
  • a pair of shoes, i would be a pair of high heels.
sep 26 2017 ∞
oct 19 2017 +