Add something about a meteor shower or something

The sky was midnight blue, a shade Jade loved. She watched the stars, it helped her think. Jade wasn't even mad about Smith not talking to her. She was getting closer with Kipp day by day and late evenings. Jade wasn't sure if he was making her happier or a mere distraction to help not feel the pain that Smith left her in. Never knowing if she'd find that type of love with someone else again. The kind that cuts you up, leaves scars but at the same time makes you feel, makes you grow and laugh. The kind that makes you a better person in the end. Just being crazy together like a cacoon or a blanket fort waiting to be accompanied by just the two of you, possibly, another. The person you want to share every little detail of your life with, even the mundane. The kind of person you write poetry or even a book about. His name on your breath, beating heart. Being apart never felt so scary. A slice of heaven just for the two of you.

"Want another glass?" Kipp asked. Jade looked down at her empty wine glass. She didn't even remember still holding the thing. It became a nuisance to her shaking hands.

"Not tonight" she replied while looking back up at the stars that just seemed to twinkle for her. She caught Kipp glancing up in awe as well. Jade bit her lip to not let all the emotions she's been building up go postal. Kipp put his arms around her. Jade couldn't help but think of someone's arms she'd rather be engulfed in. This thought didn't bring comfort. She felt sick, too warm. She felt suddenly suffocated. The unbearable consequences of their time together spent thinking of not Kipp but Smith.

feb 20 2020 ∞
feb 20 2020 +