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I, indeed, am a graveyard of every single thing I ever loved and let go. You bury them, they turn into flower. So I guess it's safe to say I'm also a garden.

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L movies (watched in 2025)
movies (watched in 2024)

Whenever something funny, good or bad happens I get the urge to tell you; I keep forgetting you don't exist anymore.

sep 3 2024 ∞
sep 3 2024 +

Esses dias eu reli um texto onde você dizia que tinha medo de acordar e não poder mais falar comigo, mas olha só agora. Só dói quando a gente se lembra e olha pra trás. Eu já me perdi no meio de tantas linhas e mais linhas que escrevi pra você, tanto que você nunca leu e nem vai, porque no fundo a gente sempre soube que iria acabar assim. A gente não. Eu. Você. Acho que já passou da hora de me desligar de você, mesmo que isso pareça impossível; minha alma tem tantos traços seus que eles se emaranham no que sobrou de mim, tudo é feito de nós. Mesmo que um nós não mais exista. Mas ao mesmo tempo sempre vai existir, não é? Dentro de tudo que ficou engasgado na minha garganta, dentro de todos os olhares que até hoje me fazem sangrar, dentro de todo o vazio que as palavras não ditas deixaram aqui e aí. Dentro daquele único beijo. Você não precisa admitir nada pra mim...

aug 5 2024 ∞
aug 5 2024 +

As a kid, I always knew things would work out for me. They did, to a certain degree. I've made great friends, I'm not alone, althought a little bit lost - but aren't we all? I just thought by now I would've met you. Where the hell are you? I've been looking for you everywhere, but couldn't find you in no one's chest I laid my head on. I guess I found you, and lost you again in the middle of my ambitions, in the space between the words I never said, in all the kisses I held back. I hope it's not too late for you to come and find me again. I'll be softer. I'll be kinder this time - to you, to myself. I'll be truth. Deserving. Come find me - please, don't take too long.

Desde criança eu sempre soube que tudo ia dar certo pra mim. E deu, até certo ponto. Eu fiz bons amigos, não estou sozinha, apesar de um pouco perdida - mas quem não está? Eu só achei que, a esse pon...

jul 23 2024 ∞
jul 23 2024 +

there's a ghost in my bedroom. dark eyes, curly hair. no soul. is that possible for a ghost?

jun 6 2023 ∞
mar 19 2024 +

I can't stress enough how little interest I have in a world you're not in.

oct 25 2022 ∞
oct 25 2022 +

I thought I hated you, but could I do that with your hands around my neck? Do I really hate you if I want to feel every inch of your skin on mine, even if I tear you apart later? It seemed like I hated you from afar, but when you're here I want to hate you with your lips on my lips and my hips attached to yours.

oct 23 2022 ∞
oct 23 2022 +

Everlasting. I want you to be my endgame, the last person I fall for and the last one to fall for me too. I Just really want you to feel the same and trust me; there's nothing I wouldn't do for us.

jun 29 2022 ∞
jun 29 2022 +

Eu quis te manter ali, na parede das boas memórias, intocada, como um talismã que talvez fosse sempre me lembrar de como foi ter sido amada por você, mas meu coração é amargo - ou a tua lembrança não é doce. Queria sentir que tive sorte por aquele breve momento no espaço-tempo em que nossas almas se tocaram, mas meu orgulho é gritante.

mar 27 2022 ∞
mar 27 2022 +

Eu gosto de imaginar que você se sente do mesmo jeito. Eu sinto que, de alguma forma, a gente se perdeu, porque eu simplesmente não consigo ser só sua amiga. Não funciona, não parece que vai funcionar um dia. Você está feliz e eu amo isso. Eu adoro te ver satisfeita, correndo atrás das coisas que importam pra você, junto dela. Mas eu também não consigo não me perguntar: e se...?

Eu sei que você sente também. E se, naquele dia, a 8 anos atrás, eu tivesse dado o primeiro passo e te beijado? E se eu não tivesse soltado da sua mão? E se você não tivesse jogado fora as flores?

Dói pensar no que a gente pode ter perdido, mas eu gosto de preservar a nossa história como algo bonito. Ela tem o amargo gosto de todos os quase amores, que te deixam com o peito apertado e um nó na garganta. Porque nós nunca tivemos a chance de tentar. Ou tivemos, e só não fomos...

sep 12 2021 ∞
sep 12 2021 +

Time has gone by and you're still upset because they can't love you right. They kiss your lips and whisper beautiful words into your ears, but you just needed them to hold your hand, didn't you? They just can't get it right.

may 10 2021 ∞
may 10 2021 +

You will lose things you thought you were lucky for having, but you will always find something better to be thankful for.

apr 12 2021 ∞
apr 12 2021 +

Somedays, when I hold your hand, I imagine what will it be like when you get tired of me.

mar 24 2021 ∞
mar 25 2021 +

I sit here, watching you take things too far once more. You set the table, save her a seat but she's not coming. I don't have the heart to tell you.

mar 19 2021 ∞
mar 20 2021 +

Eu sou uma boa companhia. "Que sorriso bonito. Que beijo bom" Eu converso, passo um tempo com você e por um momento a gente até acredita que aquilo possa ser algo bom de verdade. Mas é só até você conhecer alguém melhor. Aí você esfria. Não responde com o mesmo interesse. Demora, esquece. "Ta tudo bem?" "Ta... É que eu conheci um outro alguém." "Ah..." Ah. Tudo bem. Eu continuo sendo uma boa companhia.

dec 20 2018 ∞
dec 20 2018 +

I am amazing. I am smart, I am pretty, I am worthful. At least, these are the things I've always heard from my mother. And back then I believed her. When you are a kid you tend to believe everything your parents tell you. And they do it for your own good. I guess I got used to all the attention. Everyone would always say how great I was. I was full of myself, but still humble. But something changed. I grew up. I've changed. We all do. And suddenly, I wasn't amazing anymore... I wasn't smart anymore. I would try my best to keep my grades high, but there was always someone who'd be better than me in everything. I wasn't pretty anymore. My whole body changed and I could do a single thing to stop it. I didn't recognize me anymore, I wasn't used to that, but it was me... I had to live with these changes. And I would look at the other girls and ask myself: Why? Why couldn't I just be like her?? ...

aug 21 2017 ∞
jul 17 2018 +
  • my dogs
  • my family
  • my friends
  • my students & coworkers
  • art
  • performing on stage
  • drinking coffee
  • traveling
  • going to thrift shops
  • nature
  • getting tattoos
  • skating
aug 16 2017 ∞
jun 29 2022 +

I made you a pretty little box inside my heart; that's where I'll keep you, like a souvenir to remind me that love exists and that it looks somewhat like what we had and lost.

aug 15 2024 ∞
aug 15 2024 +

Eu me lembro da primeira vez que eu chorei quando descobri que alguém ia me deixar - Bruna, minha primeira melhor amiga. Aos 6 anos eu chorei como o bebê que eu, de fato, era, mas tinha algo diferente sobre aquele choro; a dor no peito que me acompanha desde então. Eu nunca soube como sentir de menos.

jul 23 2024 ∞
jul 23 2024 +

What I feel, actually, is a big lack of appreciation. I know I'm liked, even loved, but I don't really feel appreciated enough for someone to care for me at a very intimate level. Is it because I push people away? Is it because of the way I look? It's fucking exhausting having to deal with it all by myself, but I know that I reap what I sow.

apr 12 2024 ∞
apr 12 2024 +

It's okay if you don't know what to say, baby, cause I will never run out of words, for both of us.

nov 10 2022 ∞
nov 10 2022 +

You think I hate you now, but you don't know how everything I've ever written is about you. You don't know how many poems and stories you inspired. You don't know the depth of everything you made me feel. I might dislike you now, it's true, but I could never, ever, hate you. And I hate it. I hate the fact that you're my poetry. I hate that I would never, in a thousand years, be able to rip you out of my chest. We can't change destiny. But I do hate all the flowers you never brought me and the kisses I held back. And I couldn't hate you.

oct 23 2022 ∞
oct 25 2022 +

I can't help being in love with you. When you call my name I can't control it; when I hear you laugh I can't help myself and I don't want to. I want to want you, and I hope that's ok.

jun 29 2022 ∞
jun 29 2022 +

But I loved you. I loved you with everthing I had. It just wasn't enough. It never is.

sep 12 2021 ∞
sep 12 2021 +

we said go slow but I think it's actually leading us nowhere;

may 18 2021 ∞
may 18 2021 +

RED I like red Because your blood runs red Your cheeks go red Your nails were red when you made my skin red

apr 12 2021 ∞
apr 12 2021 +

There's a note on my desk. It says "don't worry, you'll get used to the absence". I guess I adressed it to myself the day we met.

mar 25 2021 ∞
mar 25 2021 +

You told your friends you met someone new and now they don't believe us, they don't believe I'm different like you said your last one was. Standing outside your porch, watching you make the same mistakes, I'm not even sure you do.

mar 19 2021 ∞
mar 20 2021 +

love, sometimes, shows in unexpected ways. I love you, not in the way I wanted to, but in a way I've never known I needed to love you. You love me too and I believe our destinies crossed each other's for a reason.

feb 19 2019 ∞
feb 19 2019 +

"if a writer falls in love with you you can never die", they say. But why wait for someone to fall in love with you when you can start writting your own story yourself? No one can do it better than you.

sep 2 2017 ∞
sep 2 2017 +
aug 18 2017 ∞
mar 20 2021 +

Soon enough I'll be ready to be your friend. I promise. I'm trying not to want you as a lover and just love you as a friend. Will you wait for me?

aug 22 2024 ∞
aug 22 2024 +

I'm the love of your life, the next good thing just waiting to happen. I want to be there the moment you finally see it; I want to see the surprise in your eyes when your heart tells you that it's me. It's always been me.

aug 5 2024 ∞
aug 5 2024 +

E é tão engraçado como a vida acontece, mesmo com a convicção de que você existiu e de que eu te amei, de que tudo foi real, seu rosto hoje é não mais do que um borrão. Tua voz ainda ecoa no meu peito - você foi a única pessoa que eu já abracei tão perto daqui, e agora o que eu posso dizer? Você nem existe mais. Eu também não existo, não daquele jeito. Nós nunca seremos as mesmas pessoas e eu percebo agora que eu nunca vou chegar perto de saber como isso faz você se sentir.

Me desculpa. Eu te amo, mas em algum lugar do passado.

apr 26 2024 ∞
apr 26 2024 +

i don't think i need to be saved, but that's not for you to decide. i've been comfortable like this. i'm sorry i can't be what you want me to be.

jun 6 2023 ∞
jun 6 2023 +
  • Um pistoleiro chamado Papaco
  • Ilha do medo-
  • Donnie Darko-
  • Sociedade dos poetas mortos
  • Avatar
  • Forrest Gump
  • The great gatsby-
  • Pet sematary
  • Dr sono
  • Vampire circus
  • Die hard
  • Kingsman
  • Silêncio dos inocentes-
  • A origem
  • O sexto sentido
  • A farol
  • Família Addams
  • Interstelar *
  • Beleza americana
  • O psicopata americano
  • O iluminado
oct 23 2022 ∞
mar 19 2024 +

Sometimes it's like I ran out of things to feel, so I keep repeating myself, making the same mistakes again, hoping it will have a different outcome this time.

jun 29 2022 ∞
jun 29 2022 +
  • Carmilla;
  • Little Women;
  • Lord of the Shadows;
  • Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde;
  • Veronika chooses to die;
  • Hunger games;
  • Catching fire;
mar 27 2022 ∞
oct 23 2022 +

I left an empty note on your desk because that's how you made me feel. It was empty and so was I. It was empty because I went out of words to say or tears to cry for you and your tiny, fragile love. It was empty because there is nothing left of what we used to be.

sep 24 2021 ∞
sep 24 2021 +

I curse my past, I curse your last. I curse everyone who once broke our hearts and left us this mess. I can't fix you when I'm broken myself. I can't show you how to love me when I don't even know how to do that. Furthermore, I can't blame you for being happy without me, for not wanting me there. And I can't stop me from hurting everytime I see how little you care, even though your words say the opposite.

may 29 2021 ∞
may 29 2021 +

"And if I shall die let 'em know it was a life worth living for the love I have shared with you."

apr 22 2021 ∞
apr 22 2021 +

Look around. Everything is black and white, but you're colorful from inside out. It starts in a beautiful pink, going through a vibrant yellow until it becomes blue. It all ends in blue.

mar 25 2021 ∞
mar 25 2021 +

You should still go out and see the world, even though I'm not part of it anymore. You should still watch the birds and feel the air and laugh about how small you think you are if compared to it all. I don't want you to cry about my touch, about its absence. I'll always be by the water. I'll be the water, you should still let it fall down, let it pour, let it clear your vision so you can go out and sit on the grass and enjoy every bit of it. I'll be every bit of it.

mar 19 2021 ∞
mar 19 2021 +

Eu tentei te levar para todos os lugares onde eu te amei, na esperança de me lembrar: como, porque. Ao invés disso, me deparei apenas com a memória, ainda viva, fresca, de um amor que eu não mais sentia - havia morrido em mim. Nosso lugar é o passado.

feb 19 2019 ∞
feb 19 2019 +

I can count on my hands how many times I missed you or thought of you and I don't think this is love.

aug 19 2018 ∞
dec 20 2018 +

She was all dressed in black and gray, her lazy ponytail falling on her shoulders. It was hard to describe how much of the smoke that came out of her mouth was a result of the cold or of the cigarette, that was once being pressed against her lips but now was laying down on the concrete. We had spent the whole afternoon staring at the horizon. Ever since Josh was gone, things had been a little weird between us, but it was nice having her company. She didn't feel like talking. Me neither. We were ok just smoking and trying to process what happened, when she broke the silence - You know what's annoying me? I feel like, somehow, I'm being left behind... - I got a little confused and she could feel it. She looked at me and continued - Josh always said he wasn't brave enough, right? He thought He was a coward. I didn't. - ... I'm not sure I'm following - We... We always talked about what happens...

aug 18 2017 ∞
aug 18 2017 +