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  • Sia
    • "I knew what I wanted. I went in and got it. Did all the things that you said that I wouldn't." - Alive
    • "Just when the world's saying they got no hope, here comes the love." - Audio
    • "I may cry, ruining my makeup, wash away all the things you've taken. I don't care if I don't look pretty. Big girls cry when their hearts are breaking." - Big girls cry
    • "And I don't care if I sing off key. I found myself in my melodies." - Bird set free
    • "I have a voice, hear me roar tonight." - Bird set free
    • "Baby I don't need dollar bills to have fun tonight (I love cheap thrills)" - Cheap Thrills
    • "I transform with pressure, I'm hands-on with effort, I fell twice before my bounce back [...] Letdowns will get you, and the critics will test you, but the strong will survive, another scar may bless you." - The greatest
    • "I put my armor on, show you how strong I am." - Unstoppable
    • "I know, I've heard that to let your feelings show is the only way to make friendships grow, but I'm too afraid now." - Unstoppable
jun 25 2018 ∞
jun 25 2018 +