Things I have been...
- agnostic
- bad driver & good driver
- business student
- candidate for confirmation in Catholic church
- chess champion
- clerk
- community college student
- democrat, republican, and libertarian
- druggie
- gifted child
- hacker
- heartbroken & heartbreaker
- hipster
- international traveler (Rome, England, Mexico)
- mean girl (best friend group of 4 in MS/HS)
- mental hospital survivor
- newspaper editor
- private college student
- rebel
- state college student
- straight-A student not on purpose (nerd)
- straight-A student on purpose (perfectionist)
- vegetarian (for 5+ years)
Things I have wanted to be...
- doctor
- filmmaker (for 12+ years)
- lawyer
- married to my ex
- software engineer
- skater girl
mar 7 2024 ∞
jan 10 2025 +