• you don't notice shit and don't believe me/take my word for it when I point it out to you. In fact, you look at me with that DESPICABLE "disgusted" face and treat me like I'm insane or just a bitchy ex.
  • lack of emotion: ok, there's a limit to having a hard time showing them.
      • Yeah, and you come from a loving home, you have a great place to sleep every night, you're never hungry and you simply have to ask to get what you want/need...you have no excuse to be so "emotionally scarred" like you act you are.
      • it's pathetic.
  • you will never compromise yourself, your beliefs, your habits and your attitude for someone. even for me, your ex girlfriend of a year whom you loved. you would never get down on your knees for anyone.
      • you wouldn't even hug your own mother on mother's day, even when she hinted she wanted one, even when i requested you give her one. instead you get all defensive about your rights as a purely selfish person. Loser. how can anyone love you if you refuse to love and care for even your own mother?
  • you take and you take and you never give back. refer to selfishness.
  • you told me one day, right after our Rome getaway where we had a great time, that you didn't love me anymore. no reasons, no explanations...you just dropped me cold and alone, left behind in love. For no freaking reason. God, I do not envy your future wife and kids... You are emotionally UNRELIABLE.
      • You tell me yes one day and then you sabotage yourself with overthinking and then say no.
      • Pulling the rug out from under people, especially me...is your goddamn specialty.
  • You chased me during a bad time for me, yet won me over, I fell head over heels for you, and you had to face the drama of my family, I know. But i overcompensated by doing everything I possibly could to show you my love was much more than my family and drama. my love was just about you. I cannot help the family I was born into. And they made me the woman I am today, the one you love. Loved. Fucked over. And yet you couldn't handle it, 6 months after the initial crisis, you bail out on me like the selfish coward you are. WHEN THE SMOKED HAD CLEARED, goddammit! AT THE VERY END.
      • We couldn't have just have a peaceful ending, especially after I had to make the decision concerning the LDR for you because YOU ARE A COWARD INCAPABLE OF DECISION. You've shown me this over and over and over again.
  • YOU DARE flaunt off your new attraction to her in our entourage at EVERY MOMENT, EVERYWHERE WE GO.
      • AND YOU DENY IT. YOU DENY IT. YOU DENY IT LIKE I'M THE INSANE BITCH when the fact is EVERYONE HAS NOTICED. EVERYONE. And the only reason I'm the one who tells you what you don't see is because I CARE TOO FUCKING MUCH. And quite naturally, you take that for granted too, you FUCK.
      • not only do you deny it, but you do it when it HASNT EVEN BEEN 3 WEEKS SINCE WE BROKE UP. SINCE YOU STOPPED LOVING ME. be a little fucking SOBER about it you asshole. AND DONT be the HORNY DISGUSTING GUY I HATE INFRONT OF ME.
      • You take it for granted that I swallowed that "I don't love you anymore and I can't explain why" and decided to be mature about it and continue being friends, despite your complete shitheadedness. So you do this instead. You flaunt your affection for someone else 1 FUCKING WEEK LATER
      • HADRIEN's where I convinced you to come, and WHEN YOU KEEP EYE CONTACT WITH ME ALL THE WAY DOWN TO RACHEL. where you squeeze in between the wall and her like a COCKROACH because you're "clearly not attracted to her". THERE IS NO ROOM FOR YOU. but you do it anyway because you're a sad fuck.
  • After I sit with you in the waiting for 6 hours until your father relieves me, you tell me the next day you want to "conserve that"
  • How do you go from a 1-2ish year relationship, coming back from the awesome Rome trip, a mature conversation about a LDR, to an immature, forced decision not to have an LDR on my part due to your incapability, then suddenly dump me on my ass because you suddenly don't love me anymore, then dance like a manwhore at prom, in front of me without treating me remotely the same as the rest of the girls you dance with, to spending sunday together with your grandparents who all still think i'm your girlfriend and who treat me accordingly, to 6 hours in a waiting room with you and your sprained ankle, to excessive flaunting in the group I can no longer ignore, to understanding our friends can no longer ignore it either, to you saying you aren't attracted to her, but she's attracted to you, when she says you starting behaving weird at Prom and ever since you've been cozying up to her and she doesn't know how she feels about you but isn't attracted to you, to you admitting you're attracted to her after I yell at you and confront your about it and you treat me like I'm insane with that same shit face you have on, because you're pathetic enough to transpose your own denied feelings onto your object of affection and make me watch with eyes wide open-- ENOUGH. ENOUGH YOU SICK FUCK. GOODBYE.
jun 13 2011 ∞
jun 13 2011 +