a p r i l:
- international week! (got to dance again /relief/)
- 114! normal weight again!
- got to delete two of my test grades in Physics resulting to a B+ (A, here I come!)
- PSAE and ACT -.-
- A for History debate
- finally got motivated to lose weight
- advanced math summer class opportunity
- k-indie playlist!
- shinee comeback
- [insert something here that i forgot to write]
m a y:
- photo got featured in an exhibit.
- fruit salad! after 4 (almost) months!
- finally have an idea unto what to write for my ~fictionated fact~ english project. -
- was able to write a ~fictional fact~ story for english. i would like to say thank you to my friend, krysten, for shoving up the idea in my face. {edit: A!!!}
- honor roll! (bronze)
- eyebrows fixed
- my dog for 12 years died (not the best but worth note-keeping)
- got accepted as an apprentice for the school's dance company!! huzzah auroris
- first six-flags visit
- made refrigerator cake. noms
- exo comeback (waited for a year for this)
- boba D; (cravings satisfied)
- finally finished the cotillion choreography.. just needs cleaning but..!!
- the great gatsby
- geurae urf. naneun urf.
- job hunting && got to make myself a resume
j u n e:
- filling in job applications
- dress fitting for july's party!!
- F I N A L S. -_- (week of doom.)
- got my xoxo album! (chen photocard :()
- I got a job! part time and weekends only but still!! ;___; {rice cake slicer lmao}
- first paycheck and first super use of $$ for something that i don't like {$159 for school fee}
- dance classes as well as auroris training
- first expense for clothes
j u l y:
- cousin's cotillion! dance = success
- start of summer school -.- four hrs of math..kmn
- watched four sisters and a wedding first filipino movie after quite some time
- shit sm does.
- finished 3 weeks of math hell {aka summer school}
- triple g! birthday celebration! surprised w/ videos of fwends and people i love plus, "soda-pong"
- second visit to six flags, but no raging bull b/c others dun wanna :( /sobs/
- f(x) cheot sarang-ni comeback.. omg bbkrys is perf!
- another instagram post after a month...lmao
a u g u s t:
- exo, y u give me another comeback?!
- shaini, y u make another repackaged album.. shit sm does.
- dance practice
- growl practice
- denim jacket
- finally finished paying all debts~! -.-
- new phone! ((((s4))))
- read first murakami book
- finished summer book ((divergent))
- jazz and hip hop apprentice for dance company..omg
- senior portrait
- introduction for personal essay as well as thinking abt college = S T R E S S!
- 110 o-o
s e p t e m b e r:
- college applications = S T R E S S
- personal statement is DONE. lmaojk need to revise that shit
- fundraising shit for dance company... heol
- but dance company itself is fun! (9 dances wohoo)
- aerobics is killing me... there's more to come (cue music)
- first time that my job got cancelled (dam chuseok)
- opportunity to join the school's national honor society! (in w/c i know i wont be accepted b/c not good enough :()
- c for math test :(
- got included in the lyrical hiphop dance.. omf
- hyolaykai dancing9 perf ;_____;
- goodbye banzhang postion for chinese class! haha
- paid for dance company clothes D; omg da hole in my pocket...
- guy-girl dance.... D;
o c t o b e r:
- dress for choir
- choir concert
- act D':
- bake sale yoohoo!
- crush got himself a girlfriend D':-
- korean club west-north meeting
- college application(s)
- started new drama to watch (good doctor && heirs)
n o v e m b e r:
- variety show
- dance company hangout! (mojojojo)
- first haircut in a year
- new case
- learned growl
- thanksgiving!! nomnoms
- ekso(ae) syotaym~
d e c e m b e r:
may 4 2013 ∞
jun 21 2014 +