• respect her decision, now that i finally know. VERY IMPORTANT. let her go.
  • accept this unreality. it is part of me. i will be whole again
  • envision ideal self: healthy. "all these medications abound, but you're not sick, and you will make it". don't reinforce the symptoms by believing that i am sick. i am getting better.
  • start from giving meaning to every day, and appreciating what good things i have done until now. don't get depressed when i am too fatigued to do anything, and don't be influenced by how others don't get it. sit in bed, lie down on the grass, pet the kits, watch something nice, take a nap and keep going.
  • meditate daily again and exercise 5-10 mins
  • try to go out at least once every week, even if i feel bad. find reasons to.
  • listen to music, create a mood
  • "your problem has already been solved, you just haven't got to that point in time yet"
  • "when you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging"
  • enjoy the present time. VERY IMPORTANT. let it goooo
  • look forward to the future and believe it will be a good one (people, travel, spiritual progress)
  • love more and forgive everything
  • go completely gluten and sugar-free (at least a couple of weeks, to see if i get better)
  • diet made of at least 50% raw veggies and fruit
aug 7 2014 ∞
aug 8 2014 +