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  • The time on our ride to the zoo when you bought Yahtzee on your cell phone and we played it for an hour and you got mad that I beat you
    • How you also flashed cars that passed us from the bus
    • How you fell asleep and I wanted to brush the hair from your eyes
  • The time I hadn't seen you in three days and as soon as I walked in the room you ran to me and hugged me
  • How you used to ask me to call you at night and you promised to buy me a keychain from New York
    • You never ended up going
  • How I'd come see you before fourth hour and we'd hug before I left
  • You used to call me in the mornings to make sure I was coming to school
  • When you sung 'Your guardian angel' to me
  • Every time you told me that you loved me or that I was important to you.
  • Every time we talked when you were drunk
  • When you told me you joined the army
  • When you told me you weren't coming back to school
  • The time you punched me so hard I had a bruise in the shape of your fingers on my arm.
  • Every sex story you ever told me and every fight we ever got in during first hour
  • The last time we spoke to each other
feb 7 2010 ∞
feb 17 2011 +