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  • Alex Greenwald (such an unforgivable douche)
  • Sarah Palin (Annoying as all hell/has an air of superiority about her despite her trying to act like an blue collar worker)
  • Justin Bieber (Is severely overrated)
  • Jay Leno (not funny/killed conan's show)
  • Anyone whose on Jersey Shore. (no i don't think it's funny and i don't think they're worth all this adoration)
  • Tila Tequila (the way she handled her supposed 'fiance's' death was disgusting plus i feel like she got pregnant purely for publicity)
  • Miley Cyrus (acts like a hoe-bag now)
  • Demi Lovato (overrated like that bieber kid)
  • Audrey Kitching (no one cares that you fucked Brendon Urie/scene queen/idiot)
  • The Kardashians (Fame whores/pregnancy is not a means to getting famous!/12 year olds don't need to dress like sluts)
  • Ray J (sexist)
feb 8 2010 ∞
feb 17 2011 +