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I am still so naïve; I know pretty much what I like and dislike; but please, don’t ask me who I am. A passionate, fragmentary girl, maybe?

I can never read all the books I want; I can never be all the people I want and live all the lives I want. I can never train myself in all the skills I want. And why do I want? I want to live and feel all the shades, tones and variations of mental and physic...

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  • zooey deschanel: i. want. to. be. her. i adore how she's so real, and yet, she makes the perfect muse. i admire her interests, her taste in music, her wonderful personality, her eagerness to perform for the sake of the art as opposed to the salary, and every feature of her physical appearance. if i were to meet any actor, she'd definitely be first on my list.
  • alexis bledel: she's flawless. her face, her body, her voice, her hair, though there's not much i can say about her personality or her acting. nonetheless, i wish i was her twin.
  • rachel weisz: i've loved her since the mummy and became distraught when i realized they replaced her later in the series. she was so perfect for fraser!
  • rachel mcadams: she's a timeless beauty, and a convincing actor. i've fell in love since the notebook, then again in the time traveller's wife.
  • milla jovovich: people often overlook her beauty simply because of the genre of her films and her masculine haircut, but really, she's prepossessing. milla's my hero.
  • j. alba: needless to say, she was the queen in her prime. only, the occupied fourth finger has kept her off the grid. i think i love her more for it. it's not cliche. her post marriage clips of family life are most adorable.
  • emmy rossum: i think i adore her role as laura chapman more than anything else. she was clever, modest, and believable in her character's shoes. i respect her for that.
  • rose byrne: i've imagined how life would be like if she were my mother. it would've been perfect.
  • audrey tautou: i misjudged her completely when i first saw the cover of amelie. the arch and prominence of her eyebrows gave me the impression that the film was about aliens (most likely under the influence of galaxy quest, which by the way, was not my cup of tea), but to my surprise, amelie is by far, one of my all-time favorites, and audrey is no-doubt a beautiful girl who deserves every ounce of spotlight from the french and the states.
  • amy smart: anyone capable of maintaining a twelve year relationship with features like amy really deserve an award.
  • natalie portman: she never stood out to me in terms of aesthetic glamour, but i've always found her taste and personality, her voice, and her acting awfully inspiring, particularly in her latest work, black swan. though my heart has always been and will remain with V.
may 16 2011 ∞
may 17 2011 +