Disclaimer: I am in no way implying that these quotes demonstrate any sense of valuable knowledge, I am simply noting them for a paper and using listography as a means of being able to copy and paste them later on and writing this disclaimer as a means of procrastination.

"Gender" by Kesla and McKenna

  • "It is fact that someone is man or a women, just as it is a fact that the result of a coin toss is either heads or tails, and we can easily decide the case by looking."
  • "Biologists may assert that a hermaphrodite's gender is not clear, but in everyday life ultimately some criteria can (and will) be found by which each one is placed in one of two mutually exclusive gender categories along with everyone else. Even the biologist would say that hermaphrodites are a combination of the two existing categories, rather than a third gender category."
  • "Gender attribution forms the foundation for understanding other components of gender, such as gender role (behaving like a female or male) and gender identity (feeling like a female or male)."
  • "Over and over again, transexuals who were in the process of changing from one gender to the other, emphasized how uneasy people seemed to be interacting with them, until some sort of decision had been made about whether they were male of female."
  • "The most basic incorrigible proposition is the belief that the world exists independently of our presence, and that objects have an independent reality and constant identity."
  • both gender and sex are treated dichotomously
  • "Ones gender identity can be relatively independent of the gender attributions made by others."
  • "the development of a gender identity appears to occur at a critical period. That is, there is a period of time in a young child's life before which she or he is too young to have a gender identity, and after which whatever gender identity has developed cannot be changed."
    • "There is a developmental process involved in learning that you are either a girl or a boy, what it means to be one or the other, and that this is a permanent aspect of your life."
  • "How you think you should behave and how you experience your behavior as a female or male are related to what gender you feel yourself to be, but they ought to be recognized as separate issues. Failing to separate the two concepts leads many scientists to conclude that someone with atypical feeling about how their maleness or femaleness should be expressed in behavior has a gender identity problem."
    • "Lessening the rigidity" of gender behaviors may prevent gender identity conflicts of gender identity and gender-role identity in children (ex. boy who doesn't like boy-things but likes girl-things thinking he might be a girl)
  • Gender role: "a set of expectations about what behaviors are appropriate for people of one gender."
    • is ascribed: "attributes over which they are seen to have no control"
    • "According to tradition perspective, someone is born into the category 'male' or 'female', and by virtue of her or his birth become obligated to perform the male or female role'.
    • Gender roles have many components, including interests, activities,dress, skills, and sexual partner choice."

"The Five Sexes" by Sterling

  • "If the state and legal system have an interest in maintaining a two-part sexual system, they are in defiance of nature. For biologically speaking, there are many gradations running from female to male."
  • "Anglo-Saxon legal systems require that newborns be registered as either male or female."
  • "Society mandates the control of inter-sexual bodies because they blur and bridge the great divide. In as much as hermaphrodites literally embody both sexes, the challenge traditional beliefs about sexual difference; they possess the irritating ability to live sometimes as one sex and sometimes the other, and they raise the specter of homosexuality."
  • "Clearly, before my vision of sexual multiplicity can be realized, the first openly inter-sexual children and their parents will have to be be brave pioneers who will have to bear the brunt of society's growing pains. But in the long view - though it could take generations to achieve-the prize might be a society in which sexuality is something to be celebrated for its subtleties and not something to be feared and ridiculed."
dec 6 2010 ∞
dec 8 2010 +