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In a land of myth and a time of magic, the destiny of a great kingdom rests on the shoulders of a young man. His name? Merlin.

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  • Pg. 32 - He had come in so silently that even Simon hadn't heard him; closing the door behind him, he grinned as Isabelle pulled Simon's shirt down. "Molesting the vampire while he's too weak to fight back, Iz?" he asked.
  • Pg. 35 - A few years ago his mother had taken him and his sister on a trip to Tuscany - a week of heavy, unfamiliar pasta dishes, unsalted bread, hardy brown countryside, and his mother speeding down narrow, twisting roads, barely avoiding crashing their Fiat into the beautiful old buildings they'd ostensibly come to see.
  • Pg. 37 - "Hello?" Isabelle called from the other side. "Simon, is your diva moment over? I need to talk to Jace."
  • Pg. 48 - "did you ever think that in a past life Alec was an old woman with ninety cats who was always yelling at the neighborhood kids to get off her lawn?"
  • Pg. 60 - Of mene mene tekel upharsin - "It's the Writing on the Wall. 'God hath numbered thy kingdom, and brought it to an end; thou art weighed in the balance and found wanting.' It's a portent of doom - it means the end of an empire."
  • Pg. 170 - The smoke was puffing out of hte chimney in the shape of little dancing figures. Dancing Magnuses?
  • Pg. 170 - "He's the High Warlock of Brooklyn."

"Is he much like Fell?" "Shockingly similar."

  • Pg. 209-210 - Jace: "But God know, I don't want anyone but you. I don't even want to want anyone but you." ...

Clary: She was tired of saying no to Jace - of never letting herself feel what her whole heart wanted her to feel. Whatever the cost. ... rest of scene at the Wayland Manor

  • Pg. 331 - "There is no pretending," Jace said with absolute clarity. "I love you, and I will love you until I die, and if there's alife after that, I'll love you then."
  • Pg. 334 - With their hands clasped like children in a fairy tale, she fell asleep beside him in the dark
  • Pg. 355 - Oh yes, I know the way to heaven was easy./ We found the little kingdom of our passion/ That all can share who walk the road of lovers./ In wild and secret happiness we stumbled;/ And gods and demons clamoured in our senses - Siegfried Sassoon, "The Imperfect Lover"
  • Pg. 411-412 - "So, technically," Simon said, "even though Jace isn't actually related to you, you have kissed your brother."

"Simon!" Clary was appalled. "Shut UP...Besides, he was a horrible kisser." "Or maybe it was just gross, because he was, you know, your brother." Simon seemed more amused by the whole business than Clary thought he had any right to be.

  • pg. 456 - A huge crack appeared in the glass, spiderwebbing out into fissures. Clary ducked, covering her head with her hands, as glass rained down around her like tears.
  • pg. 489 - Simon had faith in her too, yet when he'd held her, it had been as if she were something fragile, something made out of delicate glass. But Jace had held her with all the strength he had, never wondering if she could take it
  • Pg. 539-540 "Clary!" Isabelle called from the wall. "Fireworks!"

Clary hit Luke lightly on the shoulder and went to join her friends. They were seated along the wall in a line: Jace, Isabelle, Simon, Maia, and Aline. She stopped beside Jace. "I don't see any fireworks," she said, mock-scowling at Isabelle. "Patience, grasshopper," said Maia. "Good things come to those who wait." "I always thought that was 'Good things come to those who do the wave,'" said Simon. "No wonder I've been so confused all my life." "'Confused' is a nice word for it,' said Jace.

  • pg. 541 - She looked as the fireworks exploded in a shower of sparks - sparks that painted the clouds overhead as they fell, one by one, in streaking lines of golden fire, like angels falling from the sky.
dec 12 2009 ∞
sep 6 2011 +