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I figured I'd join this listography to make lists. Since I love making lists in blogs. So why not join a blog that lists. Lists anything and everything about what I want to list. So, LISTen.

listography GIVE MEMORIES
Q books (2025)
work (Things to work for)
notes (To-do for my 30s)
music (Musical acts)
  • I love eating butong pakwan.
  • I try my best to be a bookworm but once I start reading, I always end up falling asleep.
  • I'm one hell of a daddy's and mommy's girl. I love showing affection to my parents.
  • Sometimes I wish I lived alone, do anything I want to do without somebody telling me what to do and make my own decisions.
  • I learned how to play tennis but my scrawny arms never embraced this sport. Thus being a soccer player, legs only.
  • I always wished I could be a good singer and perform in front of a sold out arena (hehe).
  • I have a phobia with killer whales. It started in grade school when I would have consecutive scary dreams of me falling into a swimming pool of whales.
  • I have an ugly habit of biting my fingers, thus making my teeth crooked.
  • I would frequently have dreams of me being back in a soccer field. I miss playing so much.
  • I love my "long" hair now. I hate my parents for not allowing me to grow my hair when I was younger.
  • I suck at tagalog. Only mastered it (kinda) when I was in college.
  • I hated my first year in college. I loved my last year in college.
  • I was supposed to transfer to Miriam when I was grade school.
  • I was a cheerdancer when I was high school and I felt really powerful and popular. Wahahahaha
  • I rather stay home than go out. I like being an introvert sometimes because I hate it when I feel out of place.
  • I think I was a good soccer player (hehe).
  • I can't wait to see what God prepared for me to be my future husband.
  • I'm in love with a guy at the present that no one approves of. Our closeness is one big secret.
  • I'm taking extra classes now in Informatics for the computer.
  • I'm starting to love my job.

That's all for now. More stuff about me in a next list. Hehe

aug 7 2011 ∞
aug 7 2011 +