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I figured I'd join this listography to make lists. Since I love making lists in blogs. So why not join a blog that lists. Lists anything and everything about what I want to list. So, LISTen.

listography NEW NEWS
Q music (Musical acts)
work (Things to work for)
  • Learn and perfect how to wake board, since the wake park just opened in Nuvali (which is sooo freakin near my house).
  • Scrapbook - My creative outlet. I have this collection of concert tickets that I have been to. I've been planning to put it in like an album or a scrapbook with pictures and stories about it.
  • I've been reading the book, Bourne Legacy for like the whole summer, up to now. Oh God it's July na and I'm not yet done. Hahaha shet this. I need to finish it before the movie's out. It's my first time to really read an action-packed book. Sometimes I would skip reading the paragraphs that involve gun shooting, chasing, killing and such. So not used to this. Next book I'll buy will be cheesy and kilig-ish I promise.
  • I wanna join a dance class. Some place to release my booty shaking 'talent' that I...
jul 6 2012 ∞
jul 6 2012 +

Surprisingly, I haven't gained since I've stopped playing soccer. A gift sent from above. But still.. I'm pretty cautious of what I eat and the amount of food that I eat. I found effective ways on how I can maintain my God-given-weight.

  • No merienda. I have a family that constantly need to munch on something after breakfast, before lunch, after lunch, twice before dinner, then after dinner. I found a way on how to reject every merienda they offer to me, no matter how painful it is to say no.
  • After 6 diet. What's that after 6 diet? The one that you eat before 6? Is that how it is? Well in that case, I guess it's working because I would always eat dinner before 6 because I get so tired after work.
  • Don't treat breakfast like a lunch/dinner. Must be really minimal serving.
aug 11 2011 ∞
aug 11 2011 +
  • I love eating butong pakwan.
  • I try my best to be a bookworm but once I start reading, I always end up falling asleep.
  • I'm one hell of a daddy's and mommy's girl. I love showing affection to my parents.
  • Sometimes I wish I lived alone, do anything I want to do without somebody telling me what to do and make my own decisions.
  • I learned how to play tennis but my scrawny arms never embraced this sport. Thus being a soccer player, legs only.
  • I always wished I could be a good singer and perform in front of a sold out arena (hehe).
  • I have a phobia with killer whales. It started in grade school when I would have consecutive scary dreams of me falling into a swimming pool of whales.
  • I have an ugly habit of biting my fingers...
aug 7 2011 ∞
aug 7 2011 +
  • Unigames '10 - It was held at Iloilo City, a football province, where most of the spectators were cheering for UP. It was such a different experience. We won all games except for semis vs really good teams like ust, ateneo and other provincial colleges.
  • Uaap '08 v Dlsu - the first and the most glorious thru pass that I have ever made that passed the opponents' midfield and defense. Too bad it wasn't converted into a goal.
  • Uaap '09 - My first Uaap goal against FEU! I just kept running even if the strikers stopped and the keeper made an error and I kicked it to the goal with one touch!
  • Uaap '11 - after my teammate made a free kick, it was deflected by the D and went to me.. I made a comfortable thru pass to Hope.
aug 30 2011 ∞
aug 30 2011 +
  • iTouch - My iPod's dead. :(
  • More office pants - Brown. Black. Black and white stripes. Beige. Gray. I need all kinds of slacks! I think I can buy them in Bench.
  • Earphones - Better earphones, Skull Candy preferably. Or Beats, if you want to dream big.
  • Branded Bag - Maybe a Long Champ. Or any bag for my everyday life.
  • Blazer - A good jacket for office.
  • Forever 21

That's all for now.. I'll add more soon. iTouch is my ultimate dream gadget to be bought and saved by my own money. Hehe

aug 9 2011 ∞
aug 9 2011 +
  • Watch a Jason Mraz concert
  • Travel to Santorini, Greece.
  • Watch a UEFA Champions League game live. Preferably: ManU, Arsenal, Real Madrid, Barcelona, Man City, and Chelsea.
  • Go back packing with friends.
  • Surf.
  • Try another sport.
  • Be able to make my atm reach 6 digits.
  • Meet an actor/singer/artist that you will never expect in your whole world.
  • Slow dance with your special someone.
  • Buy a car for yourself.
  • Get married.

To be continued..

nov 5 2011 ∞
nov 5 2011 +

I must find ways to earn more money. I'm not satisfied with what I'm earning at the present. People say it's because I'm a fresh grad and it's my first job so suck it up. But still.. I WANT MORE! Wahahaha

  • Take up photography, buy new lens and do it for a part time job?
  • Coach football with little boys in Nuvali every weekend? It will keep you in shape and closer to the love of your life - football.
  • Be a bartender in Ponti or something like that? It's really near your condo so you can party and at the same time earn. (HAHAHA laughter in my head while writing that sentence.)
  • Do part time as a programmer? Since that's what you're learning now in Informatics.
  • Market for the business to earn commission?
aug 10 2011 ∞
aug 10 2011 +