- always choosing to be the yellow piece whilst playing board games
- only ever eating chips at meals out
- being too scared to go upstairs on my own at night because I thought there was someone/something scary in the landing or attic
- going downstairs with dad in the early mornings sometimes when he was getting ready for work (like 4-5am?) watching him eat cornflakes, polish his shoes, iron his clothes
- swingball
- playing with snails in the garden and giving them "swimming lessons" in my teapot
- the box of "fairies" I kept under my bed (an old red box that a mug of mum's came in, the fairies being dead dandelion heads)
- sea monkeys in my room
- accidentally killing them by taking them out to play with on the table downstairs
- pretending the washing line was a fairground round for my toys (hanging buckets on it and putting toys inside and pushing it around)
- playing badminton with dad in the back garden and the shuttlecock going over the fence into next door's garden (doug) and dad lifting me over the fence to run and get it and being scared I'd get caught
- winning that competition in primary school about who get their balloon to land furthest away, the prize was a kite. I think mine ended up in germany or something
- playing my dollhouse in the lounge in front of the fireplace whilst mum played the piano
- preferring to watch VHS tapes by myself in the early morning before mum and dad got up
- forever friends curtains
- riding my bike in laps around the driveway
- wanting to name a kitten Curtains
- eating the red & white hard sweets in the back of the car - campino
apr 8 2021 ∞
apr 2 2024 +