generally I hated school but there were some funny moments

  • in philosophy class we were making posters or something and I couldn't remember how to spell "sanctity" so I asked someone in our friendship group in that class and they spelled it out as "sanc, then titty" and we both burst out laughing. I couldn't keep a straight face for ages
  • on a school trip for geography we went to a river to study it and the teacher stood in the river and said confidently "now there's some mint grows in this river", he put the plant in his mouth, paused, and then spat it out saying "wrong plant!"
  • in food tech one day I was super clumsy and managed to drop some cutlery down the side of the work surface and throw something in the bin that wasn't meant to go in there. We were hyper and kept laughing about it
  • in english when we were in year 7 the girl next to me was flinging things around with a ruler and managed to catapult a rubber into our teacher's crotch. He didn't even notice and she walked up to his desk casually and tried to distract him to get it but failed, we laughed a lot
  • in english in year 7 our teacher somehow managed to put his foot into the bin and fall over with it. The whole class laughed and he got up and said "too many trash cans round here"
  • one lunchtime when the corridors were empty me and my friend went around putting leaflets about STI's in peoples' lockers so that they would fall out on them later
  • in german our teacher was trying to help us understand the work and said "right I'll put it on the board and make it explicit" and everyone went "woooooooo" and he replied "not like that!"
nov 5 2015 ∞
may 30 2016 +