random moments I remember - some meaningful, some not, but I remember them either way for whatever reason

  • that parents evening when my art teacher asked which painting I liked best on the recent school trip to the art gallery and I said the red and black dark dismal one that represented negative emotions and mum and dad looked disapproving but my teacher stood up for me and said how a lot of teenagers feel drawn to that one and it makes sense for the stage of life we're in or something. I didn't normally like that teacher but on that one occasion I was grateful that he understood me
  • one lunchtime when I stayed in art class to avoid being a loner outside and I looked back and noticed the hands of the clock on the wall were suddenly speeding themselves forward through the hours like it was possessed or something
  • that bathroom by the art room that was nearly always locked for some reason, felt like this mysterious forbidden place and I never knew why it was locked way more often than the main bathroom was
  • "the quad" - I can't even think of what the real name for that type of place is, but the doors to it were always locked and it was never used, it just sat there the whole 7 years overgrown with plants and mess and nobody ever tidied it and I never knew what the original purpose of it was
  • the only time I ever felt like I was part of a community or something was when there was a fire drill and all years and teachers gathered in the tennis courts. At the same time I still felt very alone and isolated
  • walking down the science corridor felt like you were in another dimension
  • walking down the D.T. corridor felt like the only safe place there but also the creepiest cause it was always so dark and empty, like the lights never worked or one was always broken or they just kept it dark for some reason
  • the staircase from the history rooms to the D.T. corridor felt like another dimension/trespassing cause for some reason barely anyone ever used it and teachers seemed to get suspicious if you did use it
  • the drama room felt really epic and cool even though there wasn't anything fancy to it, but something about it being empty a lot and the huge long curtains and dusty floor
  • I don't remember how you play it but I remember there being a game called "fruit salad" that we had to play at the start of drama class
  • I always favoured seats at the back of the class or in the corner by the window/wall
  • somehow ICT was nearly always one of the most nerve-wracking classes even though I was good with computers
feb 12 2021 ∞
feb 12 2021 +