• you don't have to agree with what other people your age think and if you disagree with them you don't have to feel guilty either
  • even if you feel nervous or self-conscious, always try to be honest with how you feel about things both online and in real life. - If you always keep quiet there's definitely no chance anything will happen!
  • always approach things with an open mind, don't assume the worst of situations or people, always try and think of all the possible explanations rather than the obvious ones
  • you're under no obligation to talk to or co-operate with people that make you feel like shit, regardless of whether its intentional or not, it's still toxic
  • good mental health and happiness is the number 1 priority, you cannot let yourself get dragged down by things when it severely throws you off course and effects you badly
  • also physical health is priority, you've got to take care of yourself because nobody else will
  • "you don't have to attend every argument you're invited to"
  • you should really do things ASAP!
  • "don't allow loneliness to lower your standards". Just because there's nobody else around doesn't mean you should let arseholes continue to talk to you
  • you're not a failure for being unable to achieve things because of depression/anxiety, you genuinely did the best you could considering everything and the most important thing is you're alive and safe not that you have grade A's
  • always have a world to yourself, don't get so consumed by something that you have nothing to go back to once it's gone
  • nobody knows you better than yourself, do what's right for you because only you truly know how much you can handle. Maybe take into consideration others' input, but you get the last word
  • trust yourself more than anyone else
  • you're probably not as much of a pest as you think you are
  • praise yourself
  • your worth isn't based on how popular you are
  • think before you speak, be wary of peoples' potential reactions
  • a lot can change in a day or two, before doing anything drastic try and stay calm and keep quiet until at least 24 hours has passed, you might have changed your mind by then
  • you dont have to feel guilty for not doing the same thing everyone else is doing, you're allowed to go at your own pace
  • if people cannot accept you at your worst, they sure as hell don't seserve you when you're better
  • don't give up
  • you're probably braver and stronger than you think
  • it's ok to admit you're wrong
  • let things go, forgive as much as possible or if not then just move on asap, it's unhealthy holding onto negative feelings towards people
  • dont beat yourself up about things you think you did wrong, chances are people probably don't notice things as much as you do anyway
  • you're your own worst critic
  • always say yes to opportunities that pop up, even if you're not sure you'll like it it's better to try and see
  • dont take peoples clash of opinions with you personally, generally its impersonal
  • accept yourself and forgive yourself
  • move on from negative experiences asap
  • delete, throw out, block or ignore negativity in life asap
  • dont be bitter or hold grudges, it doesnt do you any good, let it go
  • be honest about feelings and thoughts
  • live by your own beliefs, don't worry about other peoples' opinions on how to live life, deal with it however you are able to
  • take other peoples' input into considertation, in some cases it mght be useufl
  • if someone has to say sorry to you lots maybe they aren't as good for you as you thought
  • be more cautious who you open up to and how much you tell them
  • if someone asks you something you're not comfortable answering or don't know how to answer, just reply with a question instead of an answer
  • if someone is making you feel bad/worse stop talking to them straight away, your happiness is more important than looking polite
  • dont bother getting into debates with people, most of the time you can't win with narrow-minded people so just say "ok" and leave
  • reach out to people. It’s hard to spontaneously message someone or talk to them or ask them things, but generally people can feel better if someone notices them and reaches out.
  • learn to accept yourself! whether you like it or not, you are the person you’ll spend the most time with, you are stuck with yourself 24/7 so you have to be kind to yourself and learn to like yourself at least to some extent!
  • try not to let bad experiences turn you into a cynical person - think logically about it - anything can happen, there's an equal chance of good or bad happening
  • if you struggle to be positive, at least try to be neutral
  • people related to you or close to you don't necessariyl give the best advice just because they're close to you, don't feel pressured to agree with them just because of their relation to you
  • plan ahead. You may think the future is miles away and there’s no need to plan for it already but time goes quickly and it’s better to plan ahead now rather than leave it until the last minute or until after a certain time when you’re under more pressure or are too late to make the best of the time you have.
  • if someone is making you feel bad about life, get them out of your life
may 19 2015 ∞
dec 5 2016 +