- 1987 vick and curt - 1989 vick and curt - 1985 ash and cy - 1988 ash and cy
- "its a wonderful day!"
- conny
- lisa outfit
- dee outfit
- eunice outfit
- laney outfit
- andy outfit
- STR x HG voice claim portraits
- georg skribsss
- vash and george
- yearbook shit (STR x ML)
- theo and thad
- sw99 redesigns
- iscac earrings and selfie
- monk
- theo and thad
- chmeek kiss
- samson jesting or whatever its called
- sam carrying head wip
- Sam painting
- Sam Arquebus
- sam armor (final design)
- Beckham's coat of arms
- bailey 🙄
- me outfits
- random redraws/ old comic ideas (STR - ML)
- bleeding bria
- Briar outfut
- ing and bria e
- phil hale study
- Florian bandaged
- carrot pencil are (nosebleed/palms)
- rhoda outfit
- rhoda
- night terrors
- creature
- sobel kitchrn
- l'interieur
- ash n his gpa playing racquetball
- cibdy\ kyrie poetatraints
- a tad
- cyoress refsheet
- CYRAX shooes
- xupess table and books
- cupress bobby hemot
- tree comic
- ephraim + cindy redraw
- family tre e (margo, mamie, theda, dyan)
- grandparent sets
- snow park ash
- ahs vending machinr
- ash chainsaw. Redraw
- ash "sleeping" (??)
- angrorel 👼
- cypre iutfiit (air shirt)
- cypreus GGGTrrr hanfs
- cypress curled up pose
- ash + cy matching poses
- lin outfit
- the real note sobel left rhoda
- ash + cy, 1978? 1979? (sitting, at school, first meeting under a tree)
- ash sitting under big tree gray sky
- HT animation (popping title screen)
- ole chokin' al HUHHRREHEEHGEH cough cough WHEEZE
- lee design drafts (piercings, scar, star)
- shirt lifitinf (disem. scar)
- please put your head back on
- 1986/press cutting his fringe in the mirror
- ash (85) with "regular" eyes
- ktyrie recording cypress
- kyrie in ?othrt outfit
- Family pics (1976, 1985, early 1987)
- ash vending machine
- 1976 - 94 ash icons 4 lore masterpos%
- ash reading a book (85)
- we puchea digutal/redraw
- oragaban cowboy
- ml in a nutshell
- twinning (ash and eyeless rabbit)
- earrrrrrly in the morning redrawawa
- dallsas bengdji redraw thginf
- ash + cy with HT characters (ash dragging lin by the ear, hex putting makeup on cy, I NEED A GIRLFRIEND, tennis/ash + brynn, cy and scotty hugging + bonus outfit)
- cypresu weight
- timeline icons
- mike and vick (putting a bandaid on - "thanks, nurse")
- "put your goggles on!"
- mac, riley (thumbs up)
- john porke is calling......
- kuet + vif b4 death ('roid)
- tritone stuff
- Where's Victor?
- vick dying hair mitch's hair brown
- nell, darry, shay outfits
- broose (fake censor)
- wizard vick (AHA!)
- ID
- Shannon couch/ sitting
- curt cryinf ("bumper")
- other "bumpers" (mitch/woodworking, vick/riley/tv, curt/talking, eunice/computer)
feb 2 2023 ∞
feb 13 2025 +