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  • ♏ β˜€ - ? πŸŒ• - ? ⬆
  • 100% always one bad day away from a full-blown nervous breakdown
  • he smiles like a old white lady
  • when he isn't smiling like a old white lady his default expression is very sad
  • his mom is typically described as being very beautiful and his dad is handsome cypress just turned out ugly for whatever reason
  • he doesn't know that he is eyeless, his reflections always seem to show him with normal eyes
  • he is very particular about his hygiene and cannot stand being dirty; major neat freak
  • he and I (used to) have the same mole placements
  • out of all of my 42 characters, he takes after me the absolute most, yet he isn't a sona or self-insert
  • his first playlist (from Fleetwood mac down to the partland brothers) is organized by sound, color, and genre
  • his main playlist unintentionally gets more insane the further you scroll because it's so unorganized
  • (post 2021) I always imagined him being from/raised on a southern beach - at first he was originally from Daphne (AL) but I eventually decided on him being from beaufort (SC) because I LOVE SOUTH CAROLINA!!!!! also because I have relatives in sc and my favorite tik toker (gracie pa) is from Hilton head πŸ’€
  • he grew up immersed in both North and South Carolinian culture and is very, very proud of the fact
  • i have no idea why but he really reminds me of a blobfish . he looks like a blobfish to me
  • his spirit animal is the blobfisj
  • he's a horrendous liar
  • has the hardest time opening up and trusting others but is frequently trusted by people at the same time
  • the therapist friend but is also in dire need of one lollolol
  • charming, but in his own really, really weird way
  • even though he's awkward and stuff he has a very, very strong sense of empathy and compassion. when it comes to comforting someone, he'll definitely have a little bit of a hard time at first, but at the same time he'd be determined to find a solution and he'll often eventually discover a resourceful way to offer comfort
  • mysterious doesn't even come close when it comes to describing him
  • he has a deep fear of abandonment, and his fear of losing the people he cares about and being completely alone drives him in the majority of his decisions and actions
  • there is a few things known about his family, but little to no information surrounding him (and as of right now there isnt a cool reason for that yet 😿😿)
  • both sides of his family are known for having thick and healthy hair
  • he, along with most people, does not know how old he is; it stresses him out. a lot
  • he's very, very clueless about his conditions since he has no way of getting checked out or finding out for himself; he thinks that his insomnia is normal
  • he knows that he's unwell but doesnt understand the full extent of how bad his unwellness really is
  • his ethnic makeup is primarily Cuban-Spanish with flecks of other ethnicities thrown in (he is 70% Asturian, 16% Hungarian and 16% Indigenous) - he considers himself a "hodgepodge"
  • i don't think anyone would believe me if i told them the real reason behind him being hungarian πŸ’€ πŸ’€ πŸ’€
  • he isn't an enrolled member/cardholder but he's still indian idgaf!!! actually HE WEARS TURQUOISE!!!!! IT DOESNT GET ANY MORE INDIFGEONOUS THAN THAT (i should know) (this entire sentence was a joke)
  • excluding Bailey, every iteration of Ashley has an accent of some sort (Vick/Minnesotan, Isaac/New Yawwwker, Samson/Scottish etc.)
  • if he didnt have an accent, he would have Shannon's voiceclaim
  • he sounds just like tthe "i'm calling the fuckin CEO and every one of ya'll's little accounts are getting shut down" guy A&Q^&^E$EA*E*@*YYE**YQDHIDI
  • he overuses the word "lookit"
  • he has a tendency to repeat certain words when he speaks (for example he'd go "it's hot out today. Hot, hot, hot.")
  • he and his grandmother (theda) have uncannily similar temperaments (both have soft voices and a quiet/gentle demeanor), which is why george always said that cypress reminded him of his mother
  • his (pat.) grandparents spoiled him with candy when he was young which is why he has silver crowns
  • he chuckles when he's nervous
  • although he isn't exactly all that happy, he smiles a lot (force of habit)
  • his voice has a slight reverb effect
  • his tone is so quiet that you would have to ask him to speak up several times just to hear one word; he sounds like he's trying really hard to not wake someone up
  • he has never experienced real heartbreak before regarding romantic relationships, but definitely with other relationships like familiar and friendly relationships
  • he speaks at a normal volume if talking about something he's passionate about; this is also the loudest he can get
  • he has an eye for details
  • he takes a lot of pride in his work and what he does, whether that's art or like literally anything else!!!!! give him a job and he'll make sure that he does it well
  • major melophile and owns multiple cassettes, types of vinyl, + CDs - he also has a walkman (frequently seen on him) and a big ass boombox
  • he comes up with melodies for the lyrics George wrote and sometimes plays the songs he made
  • his for against shirts were drawn by him
  • he drives a 1983 Ford Sierra
  • his favorite quote is: "Remember, man, you are dust, and to dust you shall return."
  • refers to children as "miniature humans"
  • if you bring up one of his interests, he will physically restrain himself the hardest he can from going on a tangent about it for 8 hours
  • His favorite shows are The Magic of Oil Painting + Night Flight; daytime soap operas are his guilty pleasure
  • focuses better on things when he has music playing in the background
  • Lee is the reason why Ash is into punk music
  • he looks to kyrie for approval on everything
  • he'd definitely be a magick metal/dungeon synth fan if the genre existed in the 80s
  • learns/practices complex basslines with Rush (Geddy is a huge inspo to him)
  • he has practiced to yyz more than 12 times in one week
  • he is alright at skateboarding and likes to skate around sometimes on the rare occasion he leaves his room
  • probably would've been a bassist for an alt-country/cowpunk band had his life gone in a better direction
  • he takes cold showers and chews on ice to ground himself during derealization episodes
  • his name would've been either Gregory or Geoffrey if it wasn't for Vashti's weird naming habits
  • his parents are frequent subjects of his drawings
  • he calls Margo auntie - no aunt Margo or auntie margo, just auntie
  • he's double jointed and very flexible/bendy
  • can tie a cherry stem + touch the tip of his nose with his tongue cyroess REPTILLIAN CONSPIRCTY CONFRIEMED
  • he wiggles his fingers instead of waving his whole hand when he waves
  • he is homeschooled
  • he has a lower middle class background
  • he's the only character of mine with a singing voice (BESIDES CYMOPHANE AND TRITONE OK)
  • has a lot of his dad's mannerisms - for example, his eyes always get big if he's spooked
  • eye contact with people is uncomfortable for him (out of a deep insecurity about his face); his eyes often dart around in his conversations
  • he's touch-starved, which is why he's (sometimes) happy to have any kind of physical contact, be it a simple tap on the shoulder or an actual hug
  • his dilated pupils could be the result of his haloperidol use
  • near the middle of MLV1, Tate asks Sobel (Ashley) "Is there a God? If God exists and he loves us all, why does he make us suffer?" - Sobel tells Tate that "God is fake." and smiles. In MLV2, Sobel gives Tate a more hopeful and thought-out answer
  • interested in psychology and law
  • famous for his ridiculously short shorts in 84/85
  • he's done it all through the course of his life. the big permed hair, the outrageously tacky sweaters, the fanny packs, the embarrassing photoshoots... everything.
  • his nickname in the 10th grade was 'Stretch' - he was around 14-15 years old and already 5'10, almost 5'11
  • he hits 6'4 in his early 20s
  • realistically he should be well over 6'4 but i do not want to have a character over 6'5 im noy do8ng it
  • he was suspended for 1-2 weeks after punching another kid in the jaw and breaking it, because someone called Lee a slur; he tells Lee that if he had the chance, he'd do it again
jun 19 2023 ∞
oct 11 2024 +