- ♎ ☀ - ♓ 🌕 - ♍ ⬆
- flemish..french? ( ˙灬˙ )... Colombian on his maternal side and Flemish-Catalan on his paternal side i think?
- he carries a lot of mint gum/mints in his bag
- his personality reminds Curt of his mom, which is one of the many reasons why he thinks victor's special
- he and tay are both ren fair enthusiasts, and have been to several
- Vick and Mitch have a very similar taste in music (Mac played a lot of his fave songs around Vicky when they were younger) so Vick listens to everything Mac recommends + vice versa
- a fan of Ministry's earlier works
- new wave connoisseur.. possible anglophile as well
- he doesn't smile often, and it's a little rare to see him grin
- he's known for his dad jokes (think Alex Lifeson)
- he is the most true to life character of mine and has my exact personality (minus the part when he gets better at talking to people BAHAHAAHAHAH)
- Western aesthetics fan
- he loves kissing tay on the left cheek because he likes kissing his dimple!!!! 🥹
- feels embarrassed when doing literally anything
- he has a habit of standing a bit far from other people (in fear of "intruding on their personal space")
- he gives a lot of compliments (and they're all authentic)
- buys his friends their favorite snacks for volleyball practice
- world-famous quote: fuck
- he has a very soft and sweet voice, but curses like nobody's buisness
- he chuckles when he's nervous
- he has a distinctive wrinkle on the corner of his mouth when he smiles
- he fidgets with his glasses a lot whenever he puts them on
- prizes his Twilight Zoners
- he goes to school in pajamas sometimes
- he says "eyup" instead of "yup"
- his accent sounds very exaggerated
- speaks in mostly short sentences but talks more when he's comfortable with someone
- very strong (physically), he can lift people and carry them with ease
- blond hair is a dominant trait on both his paternal + maternal sides, though if it weren't his hair would be jet-black
- tiki mug collector
- pulls up to school with loud music
- he's the tallest kid in his school
- if vicky didn't live in MN for 15 years and were from somewhere else (like California or Arizona), he would have a Colombian accent
- his letters and postcards are always abnormally short but somehow manage to fit valuable information within them- sometimes he also ends his letters with a little doodle
- vicky acts JUST like primink!@%@%!^%@^%!%^!!!. If he had a channel, he would be just like him in these vids: https://youtu.be/a-ox1jxvpjM / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2u6idhChcA
jun 16 2023 ∞
feb 1 2025 +