stebėtojo daroma įtaką stebimam objektui

kvantiniai dėsniai vienodai galioja tiek makro, tiek mikro objektams (ir elektronams, ir žmogui). Kitaip tariant, ir elektronams, ir žmonėms, ir galaktikoms galima taikyti tuos pačius kvantiniam pasauliui būdingus dėsnius.

The first time I went to Johnny Depp's house in LA is when I realized what I was getting myself into. I knew he was famous, but I didn't really know what that entailed. Kate Moss

Now I can walk into a room full of people I don't know and do my job. That's quite a massive thing to learn, I think. Kate Moss

What is known to everyone is not called “wisdom.” - Wang Xi (on The Art of War)

If you keep doing what you’ve been doing, you’ll keep getting what you’ve been getting.

Take no advice from anyone who isn’t doing the things you want to do, or living the life you want to lead.

Goethe: “Knowledge is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.”

geriau būti vienatvėje negu bendrauti su netikėliais, su blogais žmonėmis. Kur tai girdėjau?

"Man kartais būna taip liūdna, kad užsistatau žadintuvą kas penkias minutes ir įsivaizduoju, kad žmonės man rašo" vakar vakare

"The old American proverb says if you want to con someone, you must first get him to trust you, or at least feel superior to you (these two ideas are related), and get him to let down his guard. The proverb explains a great deal about television commercials. If we assume that people are not stupid, they must react to TV commercials with a feeling of superiority that permits them to believe they are in control. As long as this illusion of volition persists, they would consciously have nothing to fear from the commercials. People are prone to trust anything over which they believe they have control. . . . • TV commercials appear foolish, clumsy, and ineffectual on purpose. They are made to appear this way at the conscious level in order to be consciously ridiculed and rejected. . . . Most ad men will confirm that over the years the seemingly worst commercials have sold the best. An effective TV commercial is purposefully designed to insult the viewer's conscious intelligence, thereby penetrating his defenses. —WILSON BRYAN KEY, SUBLIMINAL SEDUCTION18 d. "

How would you describe your state of mind when acting? Vincent Cassel: I’m trying to stay awake. I’m trying to have fun. I’m trying to still let my imagination fly away. I know that something’s going well when I start to have nightmares about it. I get into a state of mind where the character and the film is all that matters. When I'm on set, I behave like I'm a child, even when I’m producing. I laughed so much whilst making the film, I was hysterical nearly twice a day.

That doesn't happen very often. It’s all about having fun and letting yourself go – the older I get, the more I realise it's not about being serious. Kids can come up with incredible stuff – they can cry and laugh in a matter of minutes. I don’t think there’s really a technique to acting, it’s about reacting.

-Vincent Cassel

  • I would go into his room when he was falling asleep and freak him out, or run around naked; I thought it was really funny. The next day on set you wouldn't have to work anymore because he was so wound up.

-Vincent Cassel

My only scheme was to be a rapper. Eminem

I'm stupid, I'm ugly, I'm dumb, I smell. Did I mention I'm stupid? -eminem

You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger

"few are wiling to sacrifice for the work or public good" 50-cent, greene

"Any advertisement in public space that gives you no choice whether you see it or not is yours. It belongs to you. It's yours to take, rearrange and re-use. Asking for permission is like asking to keep a rock someone just threw at your head." banksy

"I mean, they say you die twice. One time when you stop breathing and a second time, a bit later on, when somebody says your name for the last time." Banksy

I think the biggest obstacle an actor will have to overcome in his/her life is themselves. Once you get past your worries, ego, vanity and doubt then you're golden. Steven Christopher Parker

  • "Turėtum žvelgti į savo rūpesčius iš dvasinės perspektyvos. Tai reiškia, kad visi tavo žemiški reikalai ir įsipareigojimai turi būti pateikti Dievui maldos metu tam, kad Jis visa tai apvalytų nuo laikinumo, nuo egoizmo, nuo to, kas teikia šlovę tavo žmogiškajam „aš“. Maldoje turėtum prašyti proto ir širdies vientisumo, kad nebūtų tavo žodžiuose ir darbuose veidmainystės; turėtum prašyti drąsos, kad nebijotum grasinimų ir neliūdėtum, kai susiduri su neteisybe ar nesėkme; turėtum prašyti nuolankumo, kad neskirstytum žmonių į gerus ir blogus, į svarbius ir mažiau reikšmingus. Taip malda tau tampa priemone perkeisti kūno troškimus į dvasios troškimus bei galimybe apvalyti tavo darbus, mintis ir intencijas nuo nuodėmės šlakų. Taip tavo laikina veikla bus pašventinta ir, nežiūrint, kiek ši veikla būtų paprasta ir bendra, ji taps vertinga ir svarbi Dievo kūryboje."

"Panašiai, kaip vieną daiktą pastačius šalia kito radioaktyvaus daikto: pirmasis daiktas gaus tiek radioaktyvumo, kiek laiko jis bus laikomas šalia radioaktyvaus daikto. "

"Malda išgydo tavo sielą: sunaikina nuodėmės troškimą ir pamažu apvalo tavo sąmonę. Tačiau tai neįvyksta per dieną ir net ne per metus. Tik nuolat būnant maldoje daugelį metų, maldos gyvenimas tampa pakankamai brandus, išganymo šviesa nušvinta ryškiai ir nelauktai tavo sieloje. Tad čia dar kartą yra svarbu pabrėžti, kad ši vidinė šviesa, kuri apsireiškia daug vėliau ir kuri atrodo kažkas netikėta, iš tikro yra begalinių maldų vaisius."

"Jei myli maldą ir esi jai ištikimas, tai sugebėsi ramiai priimti įvairius gyvenimo išbandymus, ateinančius iš Dievo"

"Malda pasiekia savo tikrumą, kada joje visiškai užmiršti save. Jeigu maldoje sąmoningai praleidi savo reikalus ir randi džiaugsmą vien tik užtarti kitus, tada pats Dievas pradeda rūpintis tavimi iki mažiausių smulkmenų tiek materialiame, tiek ir dvasiniame lygmenyje."

  • "Words are never 'only words'; they matter because they define the contours of what we can do."

Slavoj Žižek

  • "nematoma shirshe vistiek yra kazkiek daugiau negu jokios shirshes" ponas Rimantas Murza

My way of joking is to tell the truth. That's the funniest joke in the world. Muhammad Ali

It's not bragging if you can back it up. Muhammad Ali

It's the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen. Muhammad Ali

It's lack of faith that makes people afraid of meeting challenges, and I believed in myself. Muhammad Ali

If you even dream of beating me you'd better wake up and apologize. Muhammad Ali

I'm so fast that last night I turned off the light switch in my hotel room and was in bed before the room was dark. Muhammad Ali

I'll beat him so bad he'll need a shoehorn to put his hat on. Muhammad Ali

I am the astronaut of boxing. Joe Louis and Dempsey were just jet pilots. I'm in a world of my own. Muhammad Ali

I hated every minute of training, but I said, "Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion." Muhammad Ali

The hidden harmony is better than the obvious. Pablo Picasso

The more technique you have, the less you have to worry about it. The more technique there is, the less there is. Pablo Picasso

To copy others is necessary, but to copy oneself is pathetic. Pablo Picasso

There is no abstract art. You must always start with something. Afterward you can remove all traces of reality. Pablo Picasso

Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success. Pablo Picasso

Everything you can imagine is real. Pablo Picasso

One must act in painting as in life, directly. Pablo Picasso

It is not what the artist does that counts. But what he is. Pablo

Give me a museum and I'll fill it. Pablo Picasso

"Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." -JESUS in Mark 11:24

"I have a rule, which is the goose bump rule," Russell tells our own Thea Andrews via satellite. "If I read a script and it gets to me, and I feel a physical reaction to it, then I have to do the movie." Mar 27, 2009 - Russell Crowe - Entertainment Tonight News

It's funny how when you go looking for something it had been uploaded a few days before -emceeDropD

“To me “making it” ONLY means having CREDIBILITY & TIME TO WORK. Beyond this, on some level all an artist has to do is convince 1 good dealer; 3 good critics; 8 good collectors; & 4 ok curators to like their work. If just those 16 people are totally committed to you (plus maybe a landlord), you may be fine“ Jerry Saltz

"The prostrate lover, when he lowest lies, But stoops to conquer, and but kneels to rise." Dryden

In the end, you'll be sorry not for what you've done, but what you didn't do.

Why Cant You Just understand the best makeup is Smile. The best jewelry is Modesty. The best clothing is Confidence!!

"as human beings we store digits in a memory loop that runs for about two seconds." from Ouliers

" Socialising with alcohol is fun and we should not pretend otherwise. We also shouldn’t fool ourselves into thinking that young adults won’t eventually discover this and want to do it themselves. There is a reason why a taste for alcohol is not specific to a single demographic in society; why it is not something we “grow out of” and why, no matter how many times the NHS warns of it detrimental effects, we won’t stop drinking the stuff. That’s because chatting with friends over a pint or a bottle of wine is an enjoyable cultural tradition: the fuel of conversation, intimacy and the exchange of ideas.

— Suzy Dean, for the Independent "

"Plus isn’t the whole point of being a hipster the ability to look down your nose at how the hoi polloi all buy the same shit?"

Make visible what, without you, might perhaps never have been seen. ~Robert Bresson

“The only greatness for man is immortality.” ~James Byron Dean

"Sex appeal is fifty percent what you’ve got and fifty percent what people think you’ve got."

"The only way to win a race is to run alone." Nam June Paik

"Kirstie Beaven (Exhibitions Editor at Tate Online) says, “Artists Talking is like a continuous open-studios visit…” and open studios are all about getting the right people in and doing your twirl."

"Jeni McConnell says, blogging “…sharpens everything, it makes you consider and reconsider what you are doing, it vocalises the inner voice, questions without interrogation or confrontation and teases out ideas and thoughts”"

"yraujanti Motyvacija 2.0 sistema (čia ta, kuri remiasi apdovanojimais ir bausmėmis) yra didžiausias kūrybiškumo, originalumo (etc.) priešas."

"Apdovanojimai iš principo sukoncentruoja mūsų dėmesį į tam tikrą užduotį ir užkerta kelią bendresnio vaizdo matymui, kas, kaip minėta, yra gerai vykdant bukas užduotis, tačiau neigiamai atsiliepia sprendžiant kūrybiškas."

"pagrindinis motyvacijos variklis yra vidinis, tuo tarpu finansiniai, materialūs apdovanojimai iš tiesų dažniau turi neigiamą efektą."

“Writing about photographs is a risk. The first sign of a good photograph is that it makes you want to say something about it. The second sign is that it makes whatever you say seem inadequate. The best photographs entice commentary then demean it, stimulating reaction and then cutting it off, producing noise only to extinguish it. The image actively silences the viewer.”—Mark Wrigley

The only way to have a life is to commit to it like crazy. ~Angelina Jolie

Penguin's situation - allways dressed up, no place to go...

There is nothing more difficult for a truly creative painter than to paint a rose, because before he can do so he has first to forget all the roses that were ever painted. Henri Matisse

Savo „arklių“ – aistrų suvaldymas yra kiekvieno kultūringo žmogaus, kaip rašė dar Platonas, ir kiekvienos civilizacijos progreso, kaip rodo civilizacijų tyrimai, sąlyga (bene įspūdingiausias yra Josepho Unwino didžiųjų pasaulio civilizacijų tyrimas, parodęs, jog seksualinės galios suvaldymas skatino valstybių kilimą, o jos „paleidimas“ jas žlugdė).

"Just don't give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there's love and inspiration, I don't think you can go wrong."

"Kiekvienas girdi tai, ką supranta." (J.W.Goete)

An excellent man; he has no enemies; and none of his friends like him. Oscar Wilde

Many things have fallen only to rise higher. Seneca

Do not speak ill of society, Algie. Only people who can't get in do that.

“Everything popular is wrong.”

Oscar Wilde

Nothing is so aggravating than calmness. Oscar Wilde

Norėdami atlikti darbą greitai neatliksite jo rūpestingai.

Nugalėti blogus įpročius galima tik šiandien, o ne rytoj.

Tai, ką sunku padaryti, reikia daryti su didžiausiu atkaklumu.

Pabandykite būti nors truputį geresni, ir jūs pamatysite, kad nebegalėsite blogai pasielgti.

Aš pasistengsiu sekti jų privalumais, o iš silpnybių mokysiuos.

Klaidos, kurios netaisomos, – štai tikrosios klaidos. k.

Mūsų didžiausias triumfas – ne tai, kad niekada nekrentame, o tai, kad kiekvieną kartą atsistojame iš naujo.

Kas rodo pasiryžimą, bet yra praradęs tiesumą, kas, būdamas neišmanėlis, niekuo nesidomi, kas pats nieko nežino, bet ir kitais nepasitiki – tokio aš nebesuprantu.

Kai buvau penkiolikos, visa mano valia buvo nukreipta mokymuisi. Kai man suėjo trisdešimt, aš jau tvirtai stovėjau. Būdamas keturiasdešimties nebeturėjau abejonių. Būdamas penkiasdešimties žinojau Dangaus valią. Sulaukęs šešiasdešimties įgijau subtilią klausą, galėdavau atskirti blogą nuo gero, tikra ir netikra. Sulaukęs septyniasdešimties galėjau pildyti savo širdies norus, neperžengdamas saiko ribos.

Gera knyga, graži kalba gali būti naudinga ir padaryti daug gero, bet geras pavyzdys užvis naudingiausias.

Neverta kalbėti su žmogumi, kuris, siekdamas Teisingo kelio, gėdijasi prastų savo drabužių ir paprasto maisto.

Taurus žmogus nesišvaisto pažadais, o daro daugiau negu žadėjo.

Nesantūrumas smulkmenose pražudo didelį darbą.

Kilnus žmogus ištvermingai atlaiko nelaimes. Negarbingą žmogų nelaimė sugniuždo.

Nepakalbėti su žmogum, kuris vertas pokalbio, – vadinasi netekti žmogaus. O kalbėti su žmogumi, kuris pokalbio nevertas, – vadinasi, veltui švaistyti žodžius. Išmintingas nepraranda nei žmonių, nei žodžių.

Neatlikus pareigos, negalima įgyti atramos gyvenime. Konfucijus

Where are no limits. OSCAR WILDE

They're confident enough to take from anyone without feeling that their own vision will be lost in the process. -from "taste of makers"

A novice imitates without knowing it; next he tries consciously to be original; finally, he decides it's more important to be right than original. -from "taste of makers"

Every engraver since Durer has had to live in his shadow. -from "taste of makers"

Baimė suklysti neturi mūsų atbaidyti nuo tiesos ieškojimo. - Klodas Adrianas Helvecijus

Niekad nesame tokie vargšai, kad negalėtume padėti savo artimam. - Nikolajus Gogolis

Tik tas patiria džiaugsmą, kas gali padėti savo artimui.

Geriausias būdas išlaikyti draugystę – dalytis mintimis apie savo darbus. Žmones labiausiai suartina veikla.

Elgdamiesi su artimaisiais taip, tarsi jie geresni negu iš tikrųjų, priverčiame juos tapti geresnius.

Bet kuri neprincipinga veikla galiausiai bankrutuoja.

Kas ilgai mąsto, ne visada randa geriausią sprendimą - Johanas Volfgangas Gėtė

Elgesys - tai veidrodis, kuriame visi rodome savo veidą. - Johanas Volfgangas Gėtė

Tvirtas būsi tik tuomet, kai matysi komiškąją kiekvienos situacijos pusę. - Ken Kesey

Visi puikūs daiktai yra sudėtingi, kadangi jie yra reti. - Benedictas Spinoza

Žmogus aukščiausia aktyvumą pasiekia galėdmas mokytis suprasti, todėl, kad supratęs žmogus yra laisvas - Benedictas Spinoza

Problemos yra pasūdytos prielaidomis, todėl stabdo kūrybiškumą (thinkertoys)

"I require three of four cubic feet of ideas per dar, as a steamboat requires coal" Stendahl

Kiekvieną kvailystę kankina bjaurėjimasis savimi Seneka. Laiškai Lucilijui 9-22

"By failing to plan, you plan to fail".

do it as if you're never going to get paid for it

“When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen.” Hemingway

If you have a success you have it for the wrong reasons. If you become popular it is always because of the worst aspects of your work. Ernest Hemingway

Vienas žmogus silpnas kaip apleistas Robinzonas, tik bendraudamas su kitais jis gali daug nuveikti sopenhaueris

“If no one is criticizing you, it’s because you’re not doing anything important.”

"Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society” Mark Twain

"Stipriausias žmogus pasaulyje tas, kuris vienišiausias už visus" Henrikas Ibsenas

"Žmonės atstumia savo pranašus, juos žudo, tačiau myli kankinius ir gerbia tuos, kuriuos pražudė" Dostojefskis "Broliai Karamazovai"

"Jei lankiesi man nors, lenkis žemai"

"Gražink skolą iki paskutinio skatiko"

"Tik silpni būna žiaurūs. Švelnumą sugeba parodyti tik stiprūs žmonės"

"True man hates no one" Napaleon Bonapart

"Niekuo nesistebėti yra, aišku, kvailumo, o ne proto požymis" F Dostojefskis

dec 16 2008 ∞
apr 23 2012 +