TROPICAL conscious mind, who i try to embody
- ☉ sun = ♓︎ pisces the moon, sabian symbol 344
- ☾ moon = ♋︎ cancer 4 of cups, sabian symbol 120
- ☿ mercury = ♓︎ pisces the moon & the magician, sabian symbol 343
- ↑ ascending = ♐︎ sagittarius, sabian symbol 263
- ♀ venus = ♈︎ aries 4 of wands, sabian symbol 28
- ♂ mars = ♉︎ taurus the hierophant & the tower, sabian symbol 49
- ♃ jupiter = ♍︎ virgo the hermit & wheel of fortune, sabian symbol 165 retrograde
- ♄ saturn = ♋︎ cancer the chariot & the world, sabian symbol 97 retrograde
- ♅ uranus = ♓︎ pisces the moon & the fool, sabian symbol 334
- ♆ neptune = ♒︎ aquarius the star & the hanged man, sabian symbol 314
- ♇ pluto = ♐︎ sagittarius temperance & judgement, sabian symbol 263
- ⚸ lilith = ♊︎ gemini, sabian symbol 73
- ☊ north node = ♉︎ taurus, sabian symbol 45 retrograde
- MC midheaven = ♎︎ libra
- ⚷ chiron = ♑︎ capricorn, sabian symbol 294
- ⚳ ceres = ♋︎ cancer
- ⚴ pallas = ♉︎ taurus
- ⚵ juno = ♑︎ capricorn
- ⚶ vesta = ♒︎ aquarius
SIDEREAL subconscious mind, who i am without trying, who i am at my core
- ☉ sun = ♒︎ aquarius
- ☾ moon = ♋︎ cancer
- ☿ mercury = ♒︎ aquarius
- ↑ ascending = ♏︎ scorpio
- ♀ venus = ♈︎ aries
- ♂ mars = ♈︎ aries
- ♃ jupiter = ♌︎ leo
- ♄ saturn = ♊︎ gemini
- ♅ uranus = ♒︎ aquarius
- ♆ neptune = ♑︎ capricorn
- ♇ pluto = ♏︎ scorpio
- ⚸ lilith = ♉︎ taurus
- ☊ north node = ♈︎ aries
- MC midheaven = ♍︎ virgo
- ⚷ chiron = ♐︎ sagittarius
- ⚳ ceres = ♊︎ gemini
- ⚴ pallas = ♈︎ aries
- ⚵ juno = ♐︎ sagittarius
- ⚶ vesta = ♑︎ capricorn
DRACONIC my unconscious mind, who i need to become
- ☉ sun = ♑︎ capricorn
- ☾ moon = ♊︎ gemini
- ☿ mercury = ♑︎ capricorn
- ↑ ascending = ♏︎ scorpio
- ♀ venus = ♓︎ pisces
- ♂ mars = ♈︎ aries
- ♃ jupiter = ♌︎ leo
- ♄ saturn = ♉︎ taurus
- ♅ uranus = ♑︎ capricorn
- ♆ neptune = ♑︎ capricorn
- ♇ pluto = ♏︎ scorpio
- ⚸ lilith = ♒︎ aquarius
- ☊ north node = ♈︎ aries
- ⚷ chiron = ♐︎ sagittarius
- ⚳ ceres = ♉︎ taurus
- ⚴ pallas = ♓︎ pisces
- ⚵ juno = ♏︎ scorpio
- ⚶ vesta = ♐︎ sagittarius