[[October 7, 2010 Note: I stopped keeping track of my dreams because I noticed a depressing trend--- that all my dreams had to do with me failing.]]

  • 12/27/09- My dad found two German Shepherds behind Albertsons and I got to keep them!! They were really old though.
  • 12/28/09- I went snowboarding with Roger, Peter, and Angela. I had to drive back home to get something? It was snowing hard! My mom bought us lift tickets for the whole day when we only snowboarded for the half day :(
  • 12/29/09- I was climbing the Great Wall of China with my family. We didn't stay together--in fact, it was more like a race. I was scared because it was like climbing a steep jungle gym... a bunch of metal bars. I only went halfway then came back down. I saw old people, young people... all kinds of people climb past me.
  • 1/10/10- I was in a weird company building. I found a secret room... it looked like an office/laboratory. Eventually I reached a room that looked like the inside of a jump house. I had a nerf-gun-like thing in my hand. The objective was to stand on one side of the room and shoot the darts to the wall on the other side. I watched as other people did it, and quickly ran as fast as they could to retrieve the dart before the others did. When it was my turn, none of my darts could even reach the wall.
  • 1/12/10- I was in my room in AI. For some reason my brother had a humongous black widow spider that accidently escaped a ziplock bag in my room. I found the fast-running spider, and tried to use my bug vacuum to suck it up. The spider was too big, and its legs were sticking out of the suction cup. It escaped. During my attempt to find the spider again, I found a huge scorpion behind my recycling bin (under my keyboard). I stood there with my bug vacuum, feeling more helpless than ever.
  • Uhmmm... I forget one.
  • 1/19/10- I was across the street from AI on Aberdeen waiting for Jason, who was doing who knows what inside of AI. Some Asian lady in her late 30's walked up and asked me about my truck, which is actually a rental since Pluto was in the shop.
  • 1/22/10- I went back to Claim Jumper to work and everything is different. I couldn't find anything, including ice!! Jason came in and we ate together.
  • 1/23/10- I was trying to make the biggest moon but I couldn't.
  • 1/29/10- Everyone was trying to make pizza dough. I COULDN'T!!! I couldn't get the right water to flour ratio.
dec 30 2009 ∞
oct 7 2010 +