Favorite GivesMeHope:

  • I met a 16 year old genius who was in medical school, studying to be a pediatric neurosurgeon. He put every dollar he made at his job into a retirement fund. Why? He wanted to be able to retire at age 30, so that he could spend the rest of his life performing brain surgeries for free. His philanthropy GMH. #46704
  • When I was seven years old, I was diagnosed with cancer. My parents were told that I had about a year to live. Despite mounting medical bills, my father put a fraction of his paycheck into my college savings account. I am currently a sophomore nursing major. My father's belief that I would survive GMH. #1328
  • I got my first boyfriend at age 16, and soon after I was diagnosed w/ multiple sclerosis. Soon after, I developed a bad limp and have trouble walking. But, he's stayed with me for 5 years. He still takes care of me and tells me I'm beautiful everyday. Now, we're engaged. GMH #1412
  • When my dad suddenly died, my girlfriend came with me to my parents' house for a week where she cooked every meal, babysat my three nieces, fed the dog, cleaned the house, and spent a lot of her own money on groceries. I later learned her boss didn't want to let her have the week off, so she quit her job to hold my family together. Her love GMH. #9818
  • Recently I was at a convention with my friends, eating lunch, and then a man, in his early twenties, ran up to us asking if we had a spare tampon. We didn't, and saw him run off to all the other girls in the room, asking them, since his girlfriend needed one. I don't know a man who would do that for me. His love for her GMH. #9070
  • I lost a very special necklace given to me by my 17 yo. boyfriend. I felt sick over it as it was so sentimental. Months later, my boyfriend found it in the cushion of our sofa. Only years later did I discover that he had saved up money to have an identical replica made so he could 'find it' for me and I would no longer feel so bad. That memory GMH #6975
  • I give my five kids extra lunch money once a week for ice cream. One day a couple of years ago, while going through a hard time, my 6-yr-old gave me a little package he'd wrapped himself. He had saved his ice cream money for two months to buy me a rubber bracelet from the school bookstore printed with the word "Hope". GMH. #12497
  • After a domestic violence altercation, my bed-ridden mother and I were forced out of our home. My boyfriend sold his ipod, laptop and video game consoles and worked 45 hours a week while still attending school to help us afford an apartment without asking for a thing in return. His love GMH. #11444
  • Today, my husband and I were fighting because he forgot to send out our bills. Afterwards there was an eerie silence. Our 3 year old came by and said, "Now, make up." She made us hold hands and sing the whole Barney's "I love you, you love me" song. We laughed the rest of the day about it. She GMH. #21410
  • My mother worked two jobs when I was growing up but still often there wasn't enough money for food or heat. A couple years ago she died of cancer. I found out later that during the time she was sick she'd been saving money to make up for the years when we had nothing. It was over $20,000. If only she knew that her love had been enough. This GMH #21390
  • When my mother was pregnant with me, doctors insisted I was mentally disabled and she needed an abortion. She refused, and soon gave birth to a perfect, healthy baby. Eighteen years later, I'm a straight A college student with the best mom ever. Her unconditional love, even before I was born, GMH. #22359
  • I was really sick on Monday and I passed out in class and hit my head and got a concussion. I wasn't able to go back to class until Friday. A girl in my class that I didn't know came up to me and told me she had typed up and printed the notes for me since I had missed class. That girl GMH! #21660
  • Today, my professor talked about the dangers of drinking on Halloween. He asked us to be responsible and not drink and drive. If we aren't fit to drive, we should take a taxi. He said that if we brought in a taxi receipt, he would reimburse us - anytime, not just after Halloween. Men like him GMH. #21644
  • When I was younger, my dad took me to go pay the electric bill and he overheard the couple next to him begging to keep their electricity on, although they couldn't pay it. They had a newborn baby. After they left, my dad paid their overdue bill, and enough to cover the winter. His selflessness GMH. #23530
  • A few years back, i had a snow day and we played in the snow. Around 2 o clock, my little brother who was 9 at the time noticed an ambulance a few houses down. He, along with my 8 year old neighbor at the time, shoveled their driveway so the paramedics could get the stretcher to the house. Their random act of kindness GMH. #23564
oct 26 2009 ∞
mar 30 2011 +