• hogwarts house: gryffindor
    • brave, courageous, chivalrous, daring, bold
  • ilvermorny house: pukwudgie
    • represents the heart, favours healers
  • wand:
    • cypress wood: are associated with nobility and find their soul mates among the brave, the bold and the self-sacrificing: those who are unafraid to confront the shadows in their own and others’ natures
    • unicorn hair: produces the most consistent magic, and is least subject to fluctuations and blockages. these wands are generally the most difficult to turn to the dark arts. they are the most faithful of all wands, and usually remain strongly attached to their first owner, irrespective of whether he or she was an accomplished witch or wizard. minor disadvantages of unicorn hair are that they do not make the most powerful wands (although the wand wood may compensate) and that they are prone to melancholy if seriously mishandled, meaning that the hair may 'die' and need replacing
    • 12 ¼" in length: short wands usually select those in whose character something is lacking
    • unbending flexibility: wand flexibility or rigidity denotes the degree of adaptability and willingness to change possessed by the wand-and-owner pair
  • patronus: a beagle
oct 4 2016 ∞
dec 10 2019 +