- ✔ be kind with my mom
- be positive;
- ✔ collect flowers and hide them in the french dictionary;
- ✔ do not eat too much ;
- ✔ do not think at food ;
- ✔ draw,cut& create things ;
- ✔ drink tea;
- get off the computer; (use it just for movies&music);
- ✔ give love to my cat;
- ✔ learn french;
- ✔ listen to sweet music ;
- ✔ look at the sky;
- make lists ;
- only one hour on tumblr;
- read at least 3 books/week ;
- ✔ try a cigarette;
- ✔ wake up early ;
- walk, walk, walk (anytime.anywhere);
- ✔ watch at least 2 movies/day ;
- ✔ write on a paper anything i think at and i want to remember over years. write on a paper every song/book/quote etc. that impressed me. i just want to take care of my future memories.
- write
- have long & tasty breakfasts with tea,food and music.
jun 29 2011 ∞
nov 25 2013 +