(Proust Questionaire) I'll never be famous enough to be on Vanity Fair...
8-10 hours of sleep with pleasant dreams and spooning.
Critical thinking, deep intelligence, kind humor.
Critical thinking, deep intelligence, kind humor.
My Mother.
Massage therapy.
2/20/06, 9:36pm, Meriter Hospital birthing suite.
When I am very afraid of angering the other person or hurting the other person, I may tell a white lie.
That we've irrevocably ruined planet Earth.
Road rage tendencies. I just finished a book wherein the author states, "Behind the wheel, all people are psychopathic."
Complete control over remembering and forgetting.
I admire several but I don't really identify with any particular historical figure. I am more likely to identify with present day loved ones or friends.
Not having spent more time with loved ones who are no longer living.
Doing what I can to contribute to this happy family.