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Wow, it's about time I updated this thing! It's been like 2 years. Mostly, I'm on Tumblr, but occasionally you might find me here writing a new list. (Or updating my quotes list!) If I remember that is. This would be so much more convienent that all the Sticky Notes on my desktop. Anywho, about me:

Name: Lisa
Age: 20
Occupation: Full-Time Student, Part-Time Internet Addict

This Month's Qu...

listography TERMS
Elizabeth crushes (boys of my past)
  • People expect you to be an overachiever
  • If you aren't they are disappointed and say things like "You are not living up to your full potential"
  • People expect you to be perfect
  • You are always considered responsible
  • The teacher points you out in front of everyone so now they hate your guts
  • If i get below a B my parents freak out. In fact even B's are unacceptable
  • I have to get the mail everyday after grades are sent out so that my parents do not get my report cards. If they saw my Math and Chem grades they would be "disappointed"
  • Basically if you live in Buckeye (where i live) its so small people already know if you are smart or not so its not like you can goof off cuz otherwise they might tell your dad.
  • you rant a lot (see above lol)
  • People are always asking for help and you feel compelled to give it to them when they say it is because you are smart.
jun 2 2009 ∞
jun 30 2009 +