• that people believe almost everything they hear...no matter who they hear it from.
  • when a huge event happens...people think of things that most logically match what happened at the time then believe it to be true and will argue the case even when it is false.
  • when something bad happens...we generally just stop and stare instead of trying to get out or doing something to help the cause.
  • people who say they will admit to being wrong...still rarely ever do (in some cases)
  • people who talk shit about their friends to other people, get A LOT of shit talked about them...and they really have no TRUE friends...with the exception of maybe one or two
  • usually the artist hates his/her work...no matter how good it is.
  • my dad is ALWAYS right...no matter what. so now i just agree with him...even though he still gets just as mad.
  • people are too up-tight about things today. we need to let loose more. have a bottle of vodka. smoke a bowl or a blunt. you'd be surprised how amazing you feel. (on occasion. lol)
  • people who are whores...still call other people whores without realizing that they themself is a whore. haha.
  • my house phone only rings 4 times before getting picked up by an answering machine.
  • that people hate it when you ignore them. even if they COMPLETELY hate you. if you just flat out ignore their existence...it'll drive them crazy
  • that boys are DEFINATELY way more immature that girls at age 18...no matter what they say. they are still way immature.
  • that people are more prone to hate you when they have no clue who you are. even if they are one of those people who say they don't "stereotype" haha bull.
  • when a disease is made known...every little sickness someone has is automatically that disease...(swine flu)
may 12 2009 ∞
may 12 2009 +