• work where I can make my own schedule to some extent, whether this is writing or making art or curating or some combination of those things
      • and/or a flexible part time job of basically any kind, that is in a nice place (library, cafe, gallery, bookstore etc.), that isn't too emotionally taxing and leaves me with plenty of time to pursue creative work
      • okay, okay, dreaming big, I am going to own a little gallery
      • but the gallery would be attached to my home or something so it wouldn't feel like an elitist scary place
      • or it would be in the middle of the city
      • or it would be just on the outskirts of the city, but close enough that it would still be accessible for people to come from within the city
      • and it could be attached to a vegetable garden
      • it would have a combination of art shows and community events, dance parties, art classes, yoga sessions
      • I would curate and do performance art
  • a small home on a piece of land with enough space and proper laws to allow keeping a few small animals - chickens, maybe - and in a place warm enough to grow a modest food garden
      • but access to urban spaces and a creative community as well, so maybe a home on the edge of a city, or in the heart of a city that supports urban homesteading
  • be able to travel to Newfoundland a couple of times a year to visit my parents, assuming they are still living there
      • or be able to help them to move back here
  • friends are important
  • food is important
  • sharing things I make is important
  • I think it's natural that I would have multiple partners at some point, not in a casual sex way, in a relationship way
  • a big, sweet dog
  • physically healthy and athletic enough to go for long walks with my dog, to run sometimes, to pole dance and rock climb
  • write and have the courage to share it
feb 5 2014 ∞
jul 20 2019 +