• it started off that I was at my house, with my parents. the idea was that it was christmas. but we still had school anyway but my mom said I didn’t have to go if I didn’t want to. I think I meant to go for the first period and then leave, or something. so anyway I went to school. And my parents came because I think they were walking me to class. and at one point we passed johnathan in the hallway and my mom went up to him and asked him how he was but instead of answering he kind of pushed her away with one arm, and I think he might have said “frustrated,” and he kept walking, obviously upset about something so then my mom was upset because of that. So I went to class which was supposed to be foods but we weren’t doing anything, ms krause was there and she had made a bunch of popcorn for everyone so we were all eating it, and then I think I saw johnathan go past in the hallway and decided I needed to follow him so I left. I ended up in this department store which was for some reason right by the school or attached to it and my parents were there again but I didn’t stay with them. I ended up finding him with a couple of his friends and he was ignoring me at first and trying to go with them but when they figured out that I wanted to talk to him they sort of left. so I finally stopped him and was trying to, I don’t know, see what was going on, and he was really upset and he pushed me, which was sort of a big deal because it meant he was angry with me, and then he started hitting himself. I can’t remember if I tried to stop him. then at one point maybe right after this or maybe not he was going into an elevator because he was trying to get away from me and I stopped the doors from closing and stood there because I wasn’t going to let him leave, and we ended up having this whole conversation with the two of us standing in the doorway. I can’t remember anything we said but I wish I could because I’m pretty sure there were words. then it ended up with us sitting on the floor of the elevator and he was feeling somewhat better, did I have my arm around him? I don’t remember. but I was touching him. then we ended up in a room and krystal was there and I decided that we should go for a walk outside so I told her, and johnathan left right away while I waited for her, and then we ended up outside looking for him or waiting for him to come, we were holding hands, this was important, and we saw that aishie’s class was just getting back from a field trip, there were all kinds of people suddenly.
nov 16 2008 ∞
nov 16 2008 +