• "But I can say that millions of people died for us to live in peace - what better way to (say) thank you than to lay down our arms and raise a glass?" x
  • "They'll be paying you off for as long as you live, Shepard. You know that, don't you? Everyone owes you everything." x
  • "I know all about your history, Shepard. A career built on corpses. That's all you are." x
  • "I'll sleep when I'm dead, T'Soni." "Ugh, don't say that. Humans are far too morbid." x
  • "And I mean you, Shepard, not the Commander, the soldier. The woman who can light up a room with her presence, who can be intelligent and knowledgeable without being condescending, who wears her heart on her sleeve because it is too large for her chest." x
  • "Do you realise what I've done in the name of the Alliance? ... You know, there are Batarian children out there that tell ghost stories of me, like I'm the fucking bogey man that'll sneak in their house and slit their throats while they're sleeping. I have an entire race of people that burn effigies in my name." x
  • "Y'know, whoever that scratch belongs to," he motioned to her face. "Should count themselves lucky, having a warrior like you watching their six. I only hope they deserve it and give you the same in return." x
  • "Smooth." "Excuse me?" "Smooth, ma'am." "As you were." x
  • "So, no matter where we go or what we do in this war, I'm always going to have her wing, up to and including chewing her out about getting enough rest, eating properly and keeping her appointments with Chakwas." He sighs. "You're right, though. She will be the one to carry this war. So we have to be the ones that carry her" x
  • Grunt nods meekly; not even Shepard dares to cross Chakwas when she delivers an ultimatum like that. The doctor is part battlemaster, part shaman, and devoutly to be obeyed. x
  • "Extinction for all sentient life," T'Soni corrects soberly. "There are an awful lot of mistakes we can make." "True. Prefer not to recall that at this juncture. Maintain optimism, maintain morale. Change of topic required. You were going to explain love, Doctor?" "Oh Goddess, I was hoping you'd forgotten." x
  • "And when you have all of those things, Mordin, you can tear a mountain apart with your bare hands, cure the genophage, and kick the ass of every Reaper from here to dark space because if someone loves you like that, you are goddamn invincible. And I'm lucky," her gaze softens, "because someone loves me like that, and I love her exactly the same way." x
  • "Learned that Shepard with Liara at her side far, far more dangerous than Shepard alone. Almost feel sorry for the Reapers." He smiles. "Almost." x
  • "The whispering of another's desires controlling your body, your actions, while you pound impotently at the walls of the glass box they've trapped your mind in. I imagine that indoctrination must feel the same, and though I have no need of further encouragement to oppose the Reapers, fear of such a violation will keep me kicking and screaming until they put a bullet in me. I won't be taken like that, nor will I allow them to take Liara. My pistol is modded to always leave two rounds to spare, just in case." x
  • "Garrus nods. 'I know exactly how you feel,' he rumbles. 'Spirits, I've never been so tired. It's not just the combat. You can feel the weight of it, can't you? The closer we get, the higher the expectation that somehow, we'll know what to do, we'll fix it, just like we always do.' 'Does it scare you, Garrus?' I ask quietly. 'It absolutely terrifies me, Liara. Please tell me it scares you too.'" x
  • "Gritting my teeth, I battle against the inevitable, and the look in Anderson's eyes as the pistol rises is one of compassion and absolution. Lord, forgive your daughter, she knows not what she does." x
  • "Never, I swear fervently, never. I'm yours, always. And I'm always coming back. Even as I think it, I feel the shift in my own mind. Shake it off, marine. You're not finished - you've got one mission left to complete." x
  • "Goddess, she has given so much, and asked for so little in return. I ask not for my own sake, but for hers; she is the brightest and most brilliant of your creations. Grant her the peace she so deserves, and if ever I have done right in your sight, I beg you... do not take her from me." x
jun 15 2014 ∞
jul 20 2019 +