Apr. 13-19

  • Capricorn: The world might feel messy and strange this week, like something’s out of order, like something got mixed up, like you can’t quite get comfortable in your own skin or your own head. It’s not a bad thing. It’s just a week for rearranging things, for clearing out some of the clutter in your head, for rebuilding your good gentle heart. There are so many changes you can make, and there’s so much room for you to move. You have all the courage and energy that you need.

Jan. 20-26

  • Capricorn: Your days might not happen the way you planned, this week, and the sky might change colors, and the clouds might shift and break. This week will be so full of good bright things, but maybe not the good bright things you’ve been expecting. Try to keep moving. Try to listen to the songs in the air. Try to stay open to all the surprises the world has to show you. Try to keep your eyes open to the bright wild world all around you.

Jan. 7-13

  • Capricorn: The hard times and the strange times and the wild times you’ve been through can start to pay off, this year. Everything you’ve done and everything you’ve felt has been worth something, has added warmth to your heart or color to your dreams or bright power to your body. Something might shift in the earth and something might change in the water and you can find some kind of rare hope, some kind of bright energy, some kind of electric love for yourself and for your world, something that will be enough to help you keep living.
    • this feels so true I could cry

Weekly horoscopes are from The Rumpus and are written by Madame Clairvoyant, aka Claire Comstock-Gay.

Dailies are from here.

jan 16 2015 ∞
oct 7 2016 +