Becoming more confident is a long journey full of hard work. I’ve always had very low confidence but in the last few years I managed to become more confident than I ever imagined I’d be. Here are the things that helped me with my confidence the most:

  • Wake up with music that makes you feel good - Create a playlist of songs that make you feel alive and powerful and then listen to it every morning.
  • Stop being mean to yourself - So many of us call ourselves a disappointment on daily basis without realizing it. I want you to imagine you are talking to a friend, not yourself. You wouldn’t call your friend useless every time they mess up, would you?
  • Wear clothes you are comfortable in - I’m not necessarily talking physical comfort. You should feel beautiful in your clothes. It can be wearing sweatpants or crop tops, it’s your choice!
  • De-clutter your space - Throw away things that make you feel bad. All the clothes you don’t like wearing, all the clutter that makes you feel like crap at home. Even throwing away the shampoo that doesn’t smell nice to you is helpful.
  • Work out - Again, it’s not as much about looking good but feeling good. You want to feel strong or fast or whatever your goal may be.
  • Appreciate small victories - A great journaling prompt is just to sit down every single evening and write down at least 3 small or big victories of the day.
  • Try new things - Get out of your comfort zone and try the things you’ve always wanted to do. For me personally it was talking to more people. I found more friends and realized I can make people laugh and that was a great confidence boost.
  • Walk with your head high - This is a sort of “fake it ‘til you make it” type of thing. Don’t look down when you walk and keep your back straight.
  • Find what you’re good at - Get to know your talents.
  • Don’t rely on compliments from others - Learn to appreciate and compliment yourself.
  • Find what kind of vibes you want to have and work on that -Do you want to be a ray of sunshine? Smile more and wear bright colors. Become who you want to be.
  • Take care of your body - Force yourself to feel good in your skin.
  • Get familiar with your body - Stop avoiding mirrors. Find the things you love about it and accept things you don’t like. Be grateful for your body taking care of you the way it does.

(found at and edited by me)

jul 31 2019 ∞
jul 31 2019 +