- Aleksander - Defender of the people, Slavic
- Alessandro - Defender of the people, Italian
- Alexander - Defender of the people, Greek
- Alexandre - Defender of the people, French
- Amadeus - Love of God, Latin
- Americus - Home ruler, German
- Aurelian - Golden, English
- Bartolomé - Son of Talmai, Spanish
- Bonaventure - Good adventure, English
- Demetrius - Devotee of Demeter, Greek
- Gioacchino - Established by Yahweh, Italian
- Nathanaël - God has given, Hebrew
- Nathaniël - God has given, Hebrew
- Octavian - Eighth, English
- Salvatore - Saviour, Italian
- Timotheus - Honouring God, Latin
- Valerian - Strength, English
- Amalia - Hardworking, Latin
- Amaryllis - Sparkling, Greek
- Amedea - Love of God, Italian
- Amelia - To strive, excel or rival, Latin
- Americus - Home ruler, German
- Angelica - Messenger of God, Latin
- Angelina - Messenger of God, Italian
- Apollonia - Beloning to Apollo, Greek
- Ariadne - Very holy, Greek
- Aurelia - Golden, Latin
- Beatrice - Bringer of joy, English / Italian
- Berenice - Bringing victory, Italian
- Caecilia - Blind, Latin
- Carolina - Free woman, German
- Catalina - Pure, Spanish
- Cecilia - Blind, Latin
- Coppélia - Unknown meaning, German
- Cordelia - Daughter of the sea, English
- Cornelia - Horned, Latin
- Demetria - Devotee of Demeter, Greek
- Desdemona - Misery or of the devil, Greek
- Elisabeth - God is my oath, Dutch / Scandinavian
- Elizabeth - God is my oath, English
- Evelina - Beautiful bird, Slavic
- Federica - Peace ruler, Italian
- Frederica - Peace ruler, English
- Godelieve - God's love, Dutch
- Josephina - God will increase, English
- Laetitia - Joy, Latin
- Lavinia - From Lavinium, Latin
- Magdalena - Woman of Magdala, Latin
- Octavia - Eighth, Latin
- Ophelia - To be of use, Greek/Italian
- Ottavia - Eighth, Italian
- Parthenia - Maiden, Greek
- Penelope - With a web over her face, Greek
- Persephone - Bringer of destruction, Greek
- Pherenike - Bright victory, Greek
- Rosalinde - Gentle horse or shield of horses, Dutch
- Serafina - Seraphim, Italian / Portuguese / Spanish
- Seraphina - Seraphim, Latin
- Valentina - Strength, Latin
- Vasilisa - Regal, Slavic
- Veronica - Bringing victory, Greek
- Victoria - Victory, Latin
- Violetta - Violet, Italian / Slavic
- Wilhelmina - Strong-willed warrior, German
- Wilhelmine - Strong-willed warrior, German
jan 2 2013 ∞
may 12 2013 +