sup my name's mauve!

im an 18 yr old

i use he/him pronouns, i don't mind they/them though that's fine too

im an artist & musician and those things are v important to me

i'm a bi dude im p sure but i call myself gay a lot/interchangeably bc my identity is sorta fucky, sry if that's confusing (i dare someone to call me homophobic for tht tbh lol)

if u can't tell........i like typing informally and in what i see sometimes called "a very tumblr way". k lol it's just how i express the qualities of my speech best thru the limited medium of text, get with it

i have a lot of mental disorders ngl but namely: i have D.I.D . this is an anti-climatic announcement of actually a very big thing for me i've been scared to come out about over these years haha but i just dont care anymore, it's just who i am at this point. (DID is dissociative identity disorder)

sep 18 2018 ∞
nov 5 2018 +