so i'm an alter* and there are other alters who you may likely see speak up or come out in ways - i'm sorta the one around most days and taking most claim n space in day to day life, but i'm no "original" and the others are not "my" alters . we're all our own ppl who are separate, but preference of language depends on the person so don't take my word & experiences as the only valid way! also my experiences used to fall more in line with the label of OSDD(1b), a sister disorder of DID that usually only means alters & the dissociative identity experience just with a lack of amnesia but everything else, but as of recently this year i go thru things a bit differently and black out and have memory issues n barriers far more so the line between labels has started to blur and i hate feeling like im not valid enough using either so i now choose to use DID in reference to myself bc it is the more recognized and understood name of the two. hopefully the system** community understands this feeling and respects this <3

  • *alter, jic: an identity created from parts of somebody's consciousness dissociating and splitting up from itself from severe stress/trauma/etc* ; the"personalities" in "multiple personality disorder" which u should NOT call it anymore btw. just referencing what u may b more familiar with
  • **system is a term often used to describe those with alters & DID/OSDD that refers to all of the alters in one body as a whole. so you could call me a system , as in a person w the disorder, or i could also refer to my own system aka alters i live with
sep 18 2018 ∞
sep 18 2018 +