• everyone's fighting their own battle.
  • you're worthy of being loved.
  • you can't fix someone; they can only fix themselves.
  • penance for something you did freshman year doesn't have to life-long.
  • do your best.
  • remember your roots. the beatles, the beach boys; the indigo clouds; the snails; the cherry red skin on your forearm.
  • remember what's important. school, friends, family. trust. loyalty. honesty.
  • remember the people who made you become what you are. (two girls and a boy; blue, brown, green eyes; innocence and steel, harsh and a story-teller and fourth grade, green eyes and socrates.)
  • you can forget what you did, but remember what it made you realize: pretending hurts.
  • stop trying to be a fucked-up kid. self-destruction, in the end, is never beautiful.
  • post-hardcore does make you feel better.
aug 20 2011 ∞
aug 21 2011 +