• Swan Song: The daughter of a swan and the son of a king go on a quest to defeat a sorceress and meet a lot of witches on the way.
  • Penance: Perrine wakes up in New York City without her memory and is thrown into a circle of actors, politicians, theater geeks, really scary people in black, and gods.
  • Magic is for Monsters*: Lea didn't want magic. She just wanted to get out of her town and escape the shadow of her older brother's death. Of course, getting pulled into a world of faeries and monsters, where magic is real and human parts are used for currency -- a world she'd been careful to avoid since Jeff was murdered -- was never on her list of things-to-do.
  • The Snake Eats its Tail*: Beryl is a girl from an island of monks sent out to tell the king of a prophecy. Of course, this is being fantasy, things are never that simple.
  • The Western Order: Reginald hates the capital city Lochsley. He hates the tyrants who usurped the monarchy two years before he was born, and he hates the rebels who tries to usurp them. Despite all of his efforts, he still gets swept into a dangerous game of politics and rebellion.
  • The Blood Will Tell: Esther is an exiled noble. As with the rest of her family, she has prophetic dreams and can scry, using her blood to cloud water or glass. At sixteen she's grown up to be wily and sly, and the tides of war will truly test the strength of her blood.
aug 12 2011 ∞
aug 12 2011 +