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if you don't like pizza, we can't be friends.
i'm ultra-schway B)


everyday, i'm gonna write one thing to be happy about that happened (or i came to realisation)

  • 01 january: playing with king until we're both breathless
  • 02 january: paypass makes the world go round, shopping!!!
  • 03 january: stickers make everything cute and fun!
  • 04 january: my ugly face boyfriend gets along with my family
  • 05 january: my nails grow strong, thick and long, as does my hair
  • 06 january: being driven instead of being the driver
  • 07 january: shazam is the greatest invention of all time
  • 08 january: the galaxy note 10.1" 2014 makes life so much easier
  • 09 january: working with great people where everyone gets along
  • 10 january: having real friends who never leave me behind
  • 11 january: there are people who can afford more/better things than i can, but i can also afford more/better things than others
  • 12 january: i have a caring boyfriend who will never leave my side
  • 13 january: google map app is far more useful than i let it be
  • 14 january: having a job
  • 15 january: a house with airconditioning
  • 16 january: mah homie always looks out for me
  • 17 january: being able to get along with new people easier than before
  • 18 january: i have the greatest lot of year 12s ever
  • 19 january: driving with daddy and bonding
  • 20 january: living in a nice neighbourhood to take pets for a walk
  • 21 january: i have a lovely boyfriend, more than i could ever ask for in one
  • 22 january: my tablet is the greatest piece of technology to have every come into my life
  • 23 january: i have a mother who listens
  • 24 january: small and portable vacuum cleaners that don't need to be plugged to a power switch
  • 25 january: i'm glad that i have a bed to come home to
  • 26 january: having someone sleepover for the first time
  • 27 january: getting the chance to experience the sunrise on a hot air balloon
  • 28 january: chatime on a hot australian summer day
  • 29 january: having big and spacious bedrooms
  • 30 january: bringing in the new year of the horse with lion dancing and fireworks
  • 31 january: nerd bonding time wit mah homie
  • 01 february: the guy who made the comixology app deserves a medal
  • 02 february: great food like banh hoi
  • 03 february: chatime wit mah homie while watching dc animated movies
  • 04 february: the break gives me time to spend 5 hours straight just reading comics
  • 05 february: i can hold myself back from drinking even though everyone else in the room is doing it, and i'm on my full licence so i can drink drive a little
  • 06 february: dedication to stalk and delve deep into things I love
  • 07 february: random noggi cravings and getting driven there
  • 08 february: getting to watch old movies for the first time because they're aired on tv
  • 09 february: being the first non-sibling that maliney drove in her new car
  • 10 february: incredibly good battery life on my super awesome tablet
  • 11 february: i can make a lot of crafty things
  • 12 february: daiso's cheap products
  • 13 february: easy chocolate melts
  • 14 february: an ugly fat boyfriend to spend valentine's with
  • 15 february: having a job and earning money
  • 16 february: having good internet
  • 17 february: being on a nice, long holiday
  • 18 february: being able to drive
  • 19 february: having money
  • 20 february: quality time with mah homie
  • 21 february: i don't like alcohol
  • 22 february: a nice bed to come home and crash onto
  • 23 february: quality batman marathon with brother
  • 24 february: my brother is a uni student
  • 25 february: having an exacto knife to cut precisely
  • 26 february: airconditioning is necessary
  • 27 february: boyfriend that stuck with me this long and continues to experience my lost-childhood with me (:
  • 28 february: friend's who can drive and are there in need *khiem*
  • 01 march: coworker that doesn't ask questions *anthony*
  • 02 march: comics to read and end the summer break
  • 03 march: long-time friend catch-up over lunch (:
  • 04 march: having an arguably fit body to rush around campus and to redfern to get to work on time
  • 05 march: fisher library to study in
  • 06 march: superhero shirts to wear on lazy-days
  • 07 march: tom n tom's mocha chip tomncinno
  • 08 march: students that know me so well
  • 09 march: youtube teaches you new things everyday
  • 10 march: schway tablet that i can't imagine my life without
  • 11 march: being fit and rush to places
  • 12 march: quality time with the biffle and tom n toms
  • 13 march: i'm trying harder to be more social, for my future
  • 14 march: movies with the ugly-face boyfriend
  • 15 march: having the opportunity to teach adorable and behaved 7 year olds
  • 16 march: mimco nail polish (that i'm finally using from boxing day sales lol)
  • 17 march: having hard-working group members in group projects
  • 18 march: hearing old songs play on the radio
  • 19 march: being so motivated to study, even though i hate abnormal psychology
  • 20 march: listening to the dan and maz show
  • 21 march: parents who pay for my bills
  • 22 march: comics to read during my break
  • 23 march: having the opportunity to see kyary pamyu pamyu
  • 24 march: appreciating my last day before 5 am mornings
  • 25 march: people who drive me when my eyes won't open at 5 am *maliney*
  • 26 march: inspirational superman poster to start my day
  • 27 march: homie who waits for me to come home to have dinner together
  • 28 march: studying with boyfriend
  • 29 march: seeing year 12 class
  • 30 march: learning the song 'love is an open door' for maliney
  • 31 march: training it home from wynyard with maliney
  • 01 april: things working out for my friends *phil*
  • 02 april: study buddy maliney in the law library
  • 03 april: dressing for the weather
  • 04 april: a homie to watch winter soldier with!
  • 05 april: great year 12 class to accept my spazzing lol
  • 06 april: homie that makes sure i get work done
  • 07 april: superman unchained - something n new 52 where superman is the superman we all know and love. thank god for scott snyder and jim lee
  • 08 april: practically spending the whole day with maliney
  • 09 april: anki flashcards making studying easier
  • 10 april: being able to see ugly face boyfriend if even for a short while
  • 11 april: friends that care about me
  • 12 april: movie nights that have james marsden and andrew garfield whew
  • 13 april:
dec 31 2013 ∞
may 17 2014 +