- Sardines
- Tuna fish (no oil)
- Oats
- Cottage Cheese
apr 10 2018 ∞ jul 10 2018 +
- will be added
- will be added
- will be added
jun 29 2017 ∞ aug 28 2017 +
- ▸ Free ranging my feather babies on a daily basis. They get locked up at night, but the rest of the time they're allowed to walk & dance all over the farm.
- ▸ Brunhilde has been broody and as of today, June 17th, 2017 she's officially a mommy and we're all very excited.
- ▸ I just love how the hatchling is peeking out from under Brunhilde's wing. He/she is so nosy!
- ▸ The hatchling is only 3 days old as of today (June 20, 2017) & it looks so different already. The white spot above the eyes is a little darker now.
- ▸ Something that really touched me today was that I was sitting on the bench by Bailey's grave as Fridolin jumped up on the bench and sat/layed down right next to me and stayed with me for a while. He's the best.
- ▸ The chickens are so spoilt, they have...
jun 12 2017 ∞ aug 1 2017 +
- · Henni
- · Hanni ✔
- · Nanni ✔
- · Hippie ✔
- · Elfriede
- · Wilde Hilde
- · Hildi ✔
- · Gertrude
- · Gertrud
- · Gretchen ✔
- · Emilia
- · Amelie
- · Mildred ✔
- · Milli ✔
- · Dotti ✔
- · Agatha ✔
- · Irmgard ✔
- · Inge ✔
- · Miss Marple ✔
jun 8 2017 ∞ apr 11 2022 +
- Dayenne
- Tanja
- Claudia
- Yuri (rewrite)
- Pauliina (rewrite)
- Sabrina
- Elizabeth
mar 5 2011 ∞ sep 21 2018 +
- 1st → Yessy
- 14th → Melly
- 21st → Libby
sep 12 2013 ∞ may 7 2018 +
And the renovations continue. Part #1 can be found here
- ☑Table (IKEA)
- ☑Chairs (IKEA)
- ☑Cupboard (IKEA)
- ☑Move fridge
- ☑Move storageroom
- ☐Rug
- ☐Small shelves (ideas in notebook)
- ☑Bookshelves (IKEA)
- ☑Sideboard (IKEA)
- ☐Mantelpiece
- ☐Lamps
- ☐Candleholders
- ☐Candles
- ☑Telephone
sep 4 2014 ∞ jun 7 2017 +
- ☑ Fridge
- ☑ Fronts
- ☑ Grids
- ☑ Kitchen counters
- ☑ Laminate
- ☑ Sink
- ☐ Table & Chairs
- ☑ Trash bins
- ☑ Wallpaper
- ☑ Curtain rack
- ☑ Wall design
- ☑ Shelves (at least five)
- ☑ Sofa
- ☑ Pillows
- ☑ Curtain rack
- ☑ Laminate
- ☑ Wallpaper
- ☑ Desk
jul 10 2012 ∞ sep 20 2013 +
- 9th → Kerstin
- 29th → Carolin
jun 5 2018 ∞ sep 21 2018 +
- July 6th, 2017
- July 28th, 2017
- August 17th, 2017
- September 6th, 2017
- October 5th, 2017
- October 30th, 2017
- November 22nd, 2017
- December 23rd, 2017
- January 28th, 2018
- February 25th, 2018
- March 15th, 2018 (haylage)
- July 4th, 2018 (haylage)
oct 6 2017 ∞ jul 10 2018 +
- · Sebastian Fitzek → Das Paket
- · Neil White → Beyond Evil
- · Sebastian Fitzek → Das Joshua Profil
- · Renée Knight → Dead Line
- · Gabriella Engelmann → Inselzauber
- · Maria Cilley → Die magische Küchenspüle
- · Isabelle von Neumann-Cosel → Basispass Pferdekunde
- · Sandra Lüpkes → Das kleine Inselhotel
- · Chris Carter → The Caller
- · Cody McFadyen → The Truth Factory(❥ currently reading)
jun 8 2017 ∞ aug 20 2017 +
- I miss going for a ride with E.
- So frustrated.
- I miss autumn already.
- I wish for positive news.
- She's crazy.
- Sometimes I miss going to school.
- Hope.
- So tired I just want to sleep forever.
- This hurts so much. Rest in peace, Rosie. Our hearts are broken.
- Maybe she's not so bad after all. [Edit: She IS as bad as I thought she was after all!]
- I miss Liz so much and wish I could turn back the time.
- So happy and thankful that Liz & I are speaking again.
- I'm so thankful to have met Licentia. ♡
- The feeling of satisfaction.
- When these awfully negative thoughts keep...
jan 4 2014 ∞ oct 13 2017 +
- Designs on the Heart: The Homemade Art of Grandma Moses
- Ziemlich beste Freunde - Philippe Pozzo di Borgo
- Eine handvoll Worte - Jojo Moyes
- Erwartung - Jussi Adler Olsen
- Verachtung - Jussi Adler Olsen
- Schwarze Piste - Andreas Föhr
- Im dunklen Holz - Robert Marten
- Ein allzu braves Mädchen - Andrea Sawatzki
- Blick in die Angst - Chevy Stevens
- Keiner will dir helfen - Karen Robards
- Spur der Angst - Lisa Jackson
- Ein gefährlicher Liebhaber - Linda Howard
- Dünengrab - Sven Koch
- Grießnockerlaffäre - Rita Falk
- Seit du tot bist - Sophie McKenzie
- Die stumme Zeugin - Kate Pepper
mar 16 2011 ∞ aug 11 2017 +
- the crispy weather.
- foggy mornings.
- wearing boots & hoodies.
- the colors!
- having to use an extra blanket at night.
- drinking all kinds of tea.
- the crunchy noise under my shoes when I walk through all the fallen leaves.
- the leaves.
- rain.
- festival of colors.
- cool wind.
- fairs
- apple picking
- pumpkins & Jack-o'-lanterns
- hayrides
- ghosts
- hollow trees
- stacking up wood
- apple jam
- orchards and old wooden ladders
sep 11 2009 ∞ aug 12 2015 +
- ☑ declutter closet
- ☑ weed driveway
- ☑ finish decluttering craft room
- ☑ put up saddle bracket
- ☑ put up medicine locker in horse tack/chicken corner
- ☑ new wallpaper in kitchen
- ☑ new wallpaper in livingroom
- ☑ new wallpaper in chicken/horse corner
- ☑ new wallpaper in bedroom
- ☑ send papers to chamber of agriculture
- ☑ add new fence posts to the horses pastures
- ☑ pick rose hips for the horses
aug 2 2017 ∞ mar 29 2018 +
jun 22 2017 ∞ aug 28 2017 +
- · less TV, more reading
- · less shopping, more outdoors
- · less clutter, more space
- · less rush, more slowness
- · less consuming, more creating
- · less junk, more real food
- · less busywork, more impact
- · less driving, more walking
- · less noise, more solitude
- · less focus on the future, more on the present
- · less work, more play
- · less worry, more smiles
- · breathe
Taken from zenhabits ❤
jun 12 2017 ∞ jun 12 2017 +
- ☑build coop → in prgress right now :D!!!
- ☑find chicken farm → Geflügelfarm Brunnert
- ☑organize food
- ☑names for the chickens (favorite ones)
- Alma (Amber)
- Elli (Rhode Island Red)
- Ida (black hen)
- Lotta (Lohmann Hen)
- Wilhelmine (Königsberger)
- Fridolin (Bielefelder - rooster)
- Adelheid (Sussex)
- Anneliese (Königsberger Splash)
- Brunhilde (Goldensperber)
- Gretel (Blausperber)
may 22 2015 ∞ jul 6 2017 +
- IT 2017 ★★★★★
- Balko Experiement ★★★
- A cure for wellness ★★★★★
- Annabelle 2 ★★★★
- Dream House ★★★★★
- The Eloise Asylum ★
- Clown ★★
- Lights Out ★★
- Mama 2013 ★★
- Sinister 2 ★★★
- Regression ★
- Evil Dead 2013 ★★
- Jeepers Creepers 1 ★★★★★
- Jeepers Creepers 2 ★★★★
- Ouija 2 ★★★★
- Hush ★
- Emelie ★
- The Darkness ★
- Within ★
- Don't Knowck Twice ★★
- Before I Wake ★★★★
oct 17 2017 ∞ oct 25 2017 +
oct 21 2013 ∞ oct 21 2013 +
Random things about me.
- I'm one of the biggest homemakers you'll EVER meet. No matter what it is, I will try it at least once. Most of the decoration in the house was handmade by me, whether it's been sewn, painted and so on. I don't ever buy cake from the shop, I bake everything myself.
- Music is a big part of my life. And it's always been. Music speaks when I can't find the right words to express how and what I feel. And lately I have found myself listening to a lot of old school music from the 90's.
- I miss Chicago, IL! I was very lucky to get to visit this beautiful city before and I would LOVE to go back. As well as Las Vegas, NV. I've made some wonderful memories in both cities and think about them often.
- I can be very nostalgic. Sometimes I thin...
oct 18 2013 ∞ jul 20 2015 +
A moment of time may make us unhappy forever.
It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend.
Maybe part of loving is learning to let go.
aug 23 2010 ∞ aug 19 2012 +