
  • best described as agender; no attachment to gender
  • used to be gendervoid because i really did not want to be perceived by anyone because they will always get something wrong about me and the pain of being misunderstood weighed more than the pain of not being understood at all
  • have been told that every photo of me looks like a completely different person; i view my past selves as separate entities and literally have trouble identifying myself in photos; i find comfort in knowing that i am never the same person


  • arospec and acespec; i choose to use these labels not because they describe me perfectly, but because they indicate that my experience with attraction is non-normative
  • the attraction/love i do experience is still extremely immense and i greatly desire companionship and intimacy; an immense desire to be intimate and close with people but not necessarily in a romantic or sexual sense
  • really opposed to amatonormativity and traditional relationship expectations; subscribe to philosophies of relationship anarchy and defining for yourself what intimacy, love, and commitment is
  • i rarely develop romantic/sexual attraction and it fades away soon if i do, so being in a relationship is a constant conscious decision that i make and is informed by whether i feel comfortable, safe, and improved by a person's presence rather than if i'm "in love" with them or not
  • sex-indifferent; i don't think i receive overwhelming amounts of pleasure from sex the way people typically do, but i'm not particularly upset about it; i usually zone out during sex and it takes a great deal of energy to put focus into giving pleasure
nov 25 2022 ∞
nov 30 2022 +