• i exaggerate the problems that bother me because i believe that my issues aren't big enough for people to take me seriously and offer me love. my sadness was not big enough for the people in my life to properly care for me and love me in the way i wanted.
  • i've always carried guilt over the state of my relationships. it was something i frequently discussed with my therapist. i have rarely felt genuinely bonded with any of my loved ones. i'm conflict-avoidant, distant, and easily worn out, which has caused me to lose contact with several close friends over the years. i'm trying to make a stronger effort into being a more present friend.
  • i have severe vulnerability/trust issues. it largely stems from a lack of a consistent confidant during childhood.
  • i have a relentless inner critic. i'm constantly searching for mistakes so i can lessen the pain of someone else's criticism.
  • i automatically assume that i repulse anyone who is close to me because i can easily be convinced of my own grotesqueness.
  • guilt motivates my actions more than i'd like to admit.
  • i'm a recovering pushover. my life was defined by the trespassing of my boundaries and the prioritization of other people's needs over my own. i'm in the process of reclaiming ownership of my own autonomy.
  • i'm severely unknowledgeable for someone who postures as something otherwise. it's easy for me to lose ambition in my own personal education and i have fallen out of my self studying routines too many times to count.
mar 6 2021 ∞
mar 18 2021 +