• I was the biggest Harry Potter geek amongst my circle of friends. Aside from being an active member of an online Harry Potter community, I was also elected as Gryffindor's prefect and became a quidditch captain. I made graphics, joined challenges, COSplayed and believed that I, indeed was a Hogwarts student. I even let people call me Prefect Mara *shudders* for a while. I even appeared on tv and the newspapers because of this involvement.I read books 1-5 more than twice already. I've read supplementary books on HP. And oh, I was the top player for the HP online quiz at MIRC for 2 months.
  • I taught myself how to use MS Frontapage and Adobe Photoshop. I know basic HTML and CSS. Although I wouldn't say these are valid geek qualities because anyone can do them.
  • I keep a list of my favorite quotes from books, songs, people, TV and anything in between. I like quoting them like Bible verses everytime I get into an argument about life and all that crappola.
  • As much as I am a techie, I don't take care of my stuff that much. I have broken, 3 PDAs and went through 5 cellphones already. I have a laptop and a desktop, both have WiFi. I have an ipod and a backup mp3/vcd/cd player just in case the ipod conks out. I almost kissed this 5 storey mall full of gadgets during our trip to Thailand.
  • I can't say I am well read but I've read more than the average joe and jane. I hyperventilate when I'm inside Powerbooks and I almost fainted when my father brought home a DVD of ebooks.

Not true anymore.

feb 17 2009 ∞
apr 30 2010 +