• He should be witty and funny. I've been known to have a weakness for flaily, lanky guys but they're not fun to hug.
    • He should, be Dr. Chase aside from being witty, be a man of many interests. I don't know if you can be witty without the brains to back it up but I feel more comfortable with a guy whom I don't have to explain my jokes to. I'm so over guys who goes "Huh?" whenever I say "Oh look! Vasculitis!".
    • I don't like being treated like a girlfriend i.e. I don't turn into jelly every time I get demanding "Text me when you get home" SMSs from the opposite sex. I know you mean well but if I don't call you in three days, it may only mean it won't work or I'm dead. Also, I hate it when guys get all macho-I-have-to-protect-you-coz-you're-my-girl! on me. I appreciate chivalry but as Seth has once said "Chivalry is dead, honey".
    • I've been in trouble because of this and I've learned not to trust my sense of smell when it comes to judging a man's character but I.just.can't.resist.guys.who.smell.effin.good.
    • I hate (and I say this with much passion) narrow-minded people. Either he respects my principles or beliefs or he checks out. It's that simple.
    • Come on, call me shallow but I like a guy who is easy to the eyes.
    • I tend to run away from people I really like (I blame my Meteor Garden/Runaway Bride syndrome) so he must at least try to humor me and run after me.
    • There should only be one antisocial in the relationship and I am claiming that throne. No matter how much I like the person, I tend to crack up to peer pressure and my family's standards. Besides, the You and Me Against the World is so not my drama. He should get along well with my friends (for they are known to be vicious critics) and my family (my mother once told my brother that she'll poison his girlfriend if ever he gets one).
feb 17 2009 ∞
feb 22 2009 +